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Rotationally Resolved Electronic Spectra of 1-Methoxynaphthalene in the Gas Phase

Rotationally resolved fluorescence excitation spectra of the band of the S1]S0 transition of 1-methoxynaphthalene have been observed using a high resolution laser spectrometer operating in the ultraviolet. The trans-1-methoxynaphthalene band is an ab hybrid band with 38% a-type character and 62% b-type character. The band origin is at 31671.7 cm-1, and the rotational constants are A" = 1643.98, B" = 832.62 and, C" = 554.83 MHz in the ground state, and A' = 1626.6, B' = 818.5, and C'= 546.6 MHz in the excited state. Two other bands at +16 and ¡V70 cm-1 from the origin band of trans-1-methoxynaphthalene exhibit a band head shape. The possibility of a perpendicular conformer as being the source of these bands is discussed.
Date20 March 2006
CreatorsHong, Seung-hoon
ContributorsDavid W. Pratt, Sunil Saxena, David H. Waldeck
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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