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The Impact of Services Integration: Outcomes in Two Early Intervention Programs.

The aim of this research is to understand the factors that enhance and improve outcomes for children in early childhood intervention programs (ECI). This will be done by measuring the impact of the integration of services for children, especially children at developmental risk and/or with developmental delays/disabilities. This research will use existing early intervention data from two different early education programs in Pennsylvania, one which is identified as Fully Integrated EC Program and the other as Consultative Ad-hoc- EC Coordinated Program. The hypothesis being tested is that fully integrated program initiatives will show significantly better child and family outcomes than the more traditional consultative-ad-hoc community-based early childhood programs. The data will be analyzed using both descriptive statistics and multivariate analyses. The results have implication at the agency and practice levels as well as at the policy and funding levels. This study will also contribute to advance understanding and knowledge of best practices in early childhood intervention and education programs.
Date19 October 2006
CreatorsFevola, Antonio Vincenzo
ContributorsSteve Bagnato, Morton Coleman, Hidenori Yamatani, Lambert Maguire
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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