Comparison of Classroom Grades and Missouri End-of-Course Exam Scores

<p> Educational leaders are tasked with finding the best practices for motivating students and accurately reporting progress (Popham, 2011). Additionally, the alignment of curriculum, assessment, and pedagogy can facilitate changes in education (Klenowski &amp; Wyatt-Smith, 2014). Therefore, as districts align curriculum to assessment standards, students&rsquo; scores on assessments should increase (Squires, 2012). The purpose of this study was to determine if a correlation exists between Missouri English II end-of-course (EOC) exam scores and student grade-point averages (GPAs) earned in English II. Moreover, data were examined to determine if a correlation exists among student gender, Missouri English II EOC scores, and student GPAs earned in the course. Additionally, perceptions from high school principals concerning grades, standardized assessments, and gender bias were analyzed. Seven southwest Missouri schools from the same conference were chosen to participate. Schools submitted secondary data including gender, Missouri English II end-of-course exam scores, and GPAs earned in the English II course. Additionally, secondary principals from participating districts were asked to complete a survey. The study revealed a positive correlation between Missouri English II EOC exam scores and GPAs. Furthermore, the study showed a higher percentage of females than males earning a 3.0 or higher average GPA in English II. However, despite the correlation of EOC scores and GPAs, the majority of principals surveyed disagreed standardized tests are an accurate representation of students&rsquo; subject knowledge. Likewise, a majority of principals surveyed expressed course grades are free of gender bias and the best practice for accurately reporting student progress.</p><p>
Date14 February 2017
CreatorsDelmont, Rodney
PublisherLindenwood University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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