In Vivo Optical Imaging for Targeted Drug Kinetics and Localization for Oral Surgery and Super-Resolution, Facilitated by Printed Phantoms

<p> Many human cancer cell types over-express folate receptors, and this provides an opportunity to develop targeted anti-cancer drugs. For these drugs to be effective, their kinetics must be well understood <i>in vivo</i> and in deep tissue where tumors occur. We demonstrate a method for imaging these parameters by incorporating a kinetic compartment model and fluorescence into optical diffusion tomography (ODT). The kinetics were imaged in a live mouse, and found to be in agreement with previous <i>in vitro</i> studies, demonstrating the validity of the method and its feasibility as an effective tool in preclinical drug development studies. </p><p> Progress in developing optical imaging for biomedical applications requires customizable and often complex objects known as &ldquo;phantoms&rdquo; for testing and evaluation. We present new optical phantoms fabricated using inexpensive 3D printing methods with multiple materials, allowing for the placement of complex inhomogeneities in heterogeneous or anatomically realistic geometries, as opposed to previous phantoms which were limited to simple shapes formed by molds or machining. Furthermore, we show that Mie theory can be used to design the optical properties to match a target tissue. The phantom fabrication methods are versatile, can be applied to optical imaging methods besides diffusive imaging, and can be used in the calibration of live animal imaging data. </p><p> Applications of diffuse optical imaging in the operating theater have been limited in part due to computational burden. We present an approach for the fast localization of arteries in the roof of the mouth that has the potential to reduce complications. Furthermore, we use the extracted position information to fabricate a custom surgical guide using 3D printing that could protect the arteries during surgery. </p><p> The resolution of ODT is severely limited by the attenuation of high spatial frequencies. We present a super-resolution method achieved through the point localization of fluorescent inhomogeneities in a tissue-like scattering medium, and examine the localization uncertainty numerically and experimentally. Furthermore, we show numerical results for the localization of multiple fluorescent inhomogeneities by distinguishing them based on temporal characteristics. Potential applications include imaging neuron activation in the brain.</p><p>
Date31 August 2017
CreatorsBentz, Brian Z.
PublisherPurdue University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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