NCLEX Success First Attempt| An Exploratory Study of PassPoint and Comparative Analysis of Traditional Testing Versus Computerized Adaptive Testing

<p> Schools of nursing around the United States take multiple measures to prepare nursing students for safe practice in today&rsquo;s complex healthcare system. One area in which schools of nursing continue to struggle is the first-attempt pass rates of NCLEX-RN. Despite various ways of preparing nursing student graduates, the NCLEX-RN first-attempt pass rates for United States&rsquo; nursng schools remain sub-optimal. Because many of the efforts to increase first-attempt NCLEX-RN pass rates have been inadequate and new ways of preparing nursing students remain underexplored, the purpose of this study was to explore a computerized adaptive testing program, PassPoint, and identify any predictors for NCLEX-RN success on first attempt. The purpose was also to compare and analyze the computerized adaptive testing program, PassPoint, to a traditional preparatory testing method, Kaplan, in relation to NCLEX-RN first-attempt success in an associate degree nursing program in the midwestern United States. After employing a retrospective correlation design, a number of statistically significant relationships were noted.</p><p>
Date06 December 2017
CreatorsSingh, Onkar
PublisherWilliam Carey University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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