Long-term movement patterns of Yellow Snapper (Lutjanus argentiventris) and Leopard Grouper (Mycteroperca rosacea ) at Los Islotes Reserve, Gulf of California

<p> Between August 2010 and September 2012, acoustic telemetry was used to monitor movements of 31 Yellow Snapper and 25 Leopard Grouper at Los Islotes reserve, a small rocky reef and reported spawning site for both species in the southwest Gulf of California. Overall, both species exhibited site fidelity to Los Islotes (grouper: present 64 f 30% of days; snapper: 49 &plusmn; 30%). Both species frequented rock and wall habitats; though snapper showed greater site attachment to specific portions of the reserve, grouper exhibited greater site fidelity to the entire reserve. Approximately 30% of snapper showed indications of spawning-related migrations elsewhere in the Gulf, though no clear seasonal pattern of migration was found for grouper. The limited degree of spawning-related emigration and moderate-high levels of site fidelity indicate that if properly placed, small reserves such as Los Islotes may yet adequately protect small, resident populations of snapper and grouper.</p>

Date08 April 2014
CreatorsTinHan, Thomas Christian
PublisherCalifornia State University, Long Beach
Source SetsProQuest.com
Detected LanguageEnglish

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