The creation and implementation of a dramatic arts integrated curriculum in an early childhood classroom

<p> The current study examined the creation and implementation of a dramatic arts integrated curriculum in an early childhood classroom. The goals were to support ongoing development and growth in the children with whom I work, to explore the development of an enriching curriculum, and to improve my own teaching practice through reflection. I used an action research design over the course of seven weeks (six cycles of action research) in a preschool classroom in a laboratory school located in Northern California. Data consisted of video documentation, field notes, and my written reflections. The findings of this study supported previous research in the field and made visible the growth of the children who participated in the activities. In addition, I improved my ability to create curriculum and enhanced my own teaching practice. Based on this work, I hope to provide a curricular framework as a resource to share with professionals in the field who have an interest in including dramatic arts in their classroom.</p>
Date22 July 2014
CreatorsPomerantz, Briel L.
PublisherMills College
Detected LanguageEnglish

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