Cultural intelligence and transformational leadership| A study of organizational leaders in India

<p> Intercultural interaction is an aspect of effective organizational leadership in the post-modern multicultural operating environment. Consequently, organizations seeking to optimize operating results must have personnel capable of engaging in successful intercultural interactions (Earley &amp; Ang, 2003). This qualitative correlational research study explores the relationship between the capability for intercultural interaction, as represented by cultural intelligence and effective organizational leadership, as defined by transformational leadership style, in global organizational leaders. The research study also identified the factor(s) of cultural intelligence that influence transformational leadership style. The study population consisted of indigenous Indian organizational leaders who engage in intercultural interaction in conjunction with their employment at a global organization with operations located in India. Research subjects who participated in the investigation completed the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire version 5 (MLQ 5X). Data descriptions, correlational tests, and standard regression analysis methods established a significant positive association between the two variables that individually contribute to organizational success. Specifically, the cognitive and motivational components of cultural intelligence were demonstrated to have a significant positive association with transformational leadership style. The findings of this research study indicate that the relationship demonstrated between cultural intelligence and transformational leadership style among individuals linked through academic institutions extends into the commercial business environment.</p>
Date16 April 2014
CreatorsMullinax, Brian A.
PublisherIndiana Wesleyan University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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