Gaia E/mergent| Earth Regenerative Education Catalyzing Empathy, Creativity, and Wisdom

<p> Patterns from nature and bioculture lead us to become more ethical teachers and learners and can guide wise school design. The research asked if intrapersonal empathy, collaborative nature creativity, and wisdom education are the same phenomenon at different scales that might accurately be called regeneration. This dissertation reviewed the interconnected landscapes of sustainability education, regenerative design, permaculture, emergence, innovation, ecological intelligence, complexity, chaos, natural pattern, biomimicry, and creativity, to weave a complexity web research nexus using a transdisciplinary, feminist, decolonizing lens and Gaian methods. This regenerative fractal emergent inquiry studied four scales of regeneration with eighty participants using multi-level mixed methods with triangulation. The research found that engaging with the planetary system and dynamic living patterns catalyzed breakthrough learning for wisdom. Inspired by symbiotic nature and biocultural connection, learners and learning collectives accessed expanded states of emergent, creative metacognition and ecological intelligence, including level-jumping and scale-slithering as larger emergents. This Gaian emergence, including e/mergence and inmergence, birthed planetary-scale intelligence and creativity and generated sustained increases in regenerativity in designs and enhanced ethical action. Another outcome of this study was the development of a Transdisciplinary Regenerativity Index. Ecofractal patterns, including branching, radiance, flow, packing, vortex, and tapestry, mobilized learners for ecosocial, emergent, earth regenerative creativity. Such emergent creativity is at the heart of wisdom learning and wisdom school design. In earth regenerative education, learners, communities, and learning organizations can embody the living earth in regenerative self-organization for meta-species wisdom and earth innovations to continue to become a part of the living processes of the planetary unfolding.</p>
Date20 September 2014
CreatorsHauk, Marna
PublisherPrescott College
Detected LanguageEnglish

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