Non-conventional gender roles in relationship education curricula for African Americans| A content analysis

<p> Empirical evidence shows that successful marriages among African Americans are often more egalitarian than hierarchical; however, there was no known research that explored how curricula developers depict non-conventional gender roles in relationship education designed for African Americans. This content analysis involved exploration of nonconventional gender roles in three relationship education curricula developed for African Americans. Analyses included both the manifest (explicit) and latent (implicit) messages of the curricula to determine whether portrayals of gender roles were conventional or non-conventional. The PIES (Political/Intercultural/Economic/Social) model of marital dimensions allowed analysis of marital gender roles using an organizational analysis model that included the political (power structures and decision-making), intercultural (values and beliefs about manhood and womanhood), economic (employment and education of the couple), and social (domestic roles and responsibilities) dimensions of marriage. Results of the study revealed that the intercultural dimension tended toward conventional characteristics, even when the political, economic, and social dimensions were non-conventional. The results suggested that curricula developers design curricula based on conventional contexts of marriage that do not include African Americans&rsquo; historical context of marital gender roles in the United States. Two of the curricula described titular type leadership that combines aspects of conventional and nonconventional gender roles in the PIES model and is most effective when husbands practice servant leadership. Explicit instruction about gender roles through the PIES model was a suggestion to help resolve the cognitive dissonance created by conflicting ontological perspectives, especially in Biblical contexts. </p>
Date10 April 2015
CreatorsMason, Andrea Little
PublisherUniversity of Phoenix
Detected LanguageEnglish

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