
碩士 / 國立成功大學 / 都市計劃研究所 / 80 / Following the econemic growth and the change of the attitude of human's consumption, saving on time is more important than ever before. Under the circumstances, it is apparently quite important to know how to control the uncertainty of travel time in order to save the delivery time and to arrive at destination on time.
  Freight demand studies have contributed to our understanding of the important of service quality in freight transportantion by estimating directly the users' valuation of service. Generally service quality is represented in terms of the mean and standrd deviation of travel time. Though each time the origin and destination of a transit are the same, the delivery time can not be certainty, since the weather, the crowded traffic, and the liding capacity, etc. As a matter of fact, when the variabvility of delivery time is explored, the uncertainty of travel time in transportantion is measured.
  On the premise, the purpose of this study is going to apply Randolph W. Hall's model, which was rasied in 1983, for vestigation the uncertainty of travel time. The main work here includes: (1) To review and discuss the meanings of parameters of application model by means of combiantion with theory and practice. (2) To evaluate the relationship between the probability of being late and the expectation of travel time. (3) To find how to predict the set starting time on origin, the effective travel time and the safety margin under the known probability of being late. (4) To study and draw up the managing strategies of goods transpotation and distribution in business logistics among urban ares according to the gains from stuies of (1)-(3). Includes to make arrangements for distribution routes, to control the delivery time, and to manage drivers, etc. Expect that these achievements can be provied to improve goods transportation in business logistics in the future.

Date January 1992
Contributors, 葉光毅, 林玲芬
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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