A Equilibrium Analysis of Demand and Supply for the Highway sector in Taiwan Area ─ A Macro Approach / 台灣地區總體運輸供需均衡之研究--以內陸運輸城際運輸為例

碩士 / 國立成功大學 / 交通管理(科學)學系 / 81 / Almost all macro transportation research in the past utilized
the assumption of either demand-followed or supply-leading.
Poli cies based upon the results of these studies often lead to
over o r under investment in the transportation sector. This
study attem pts to develop a macro transportation model which
takes both the effects of demand and supply into
considerations. This study explores the relationship between
the macro econom y and the sector of transportation, to arrive
at a set ofdemand a nd supply equations for transportation. We
overcomeprevieous meth odological and data limitation by:
(1).incorporating the concept of capacity constraint into the
demand(quantity consumed) and sup ply(quantity provided) models
and (2).introducing a lagged level- of-service variable to
reflectthe impact of congestion on the gov ernment's highway
supplypolicies. A simultaneous macro demand and supply model
for intercity transportation of the highway sector in Taiwan

Date January 1993
CreatorsRichard W.S. Lee, 李文興
ContributorsShaw-er Wang, 王小娥
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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