The systematics of Rhinogobius brunneus complex from Taiwan / 臺灣產褐吻蝦虎相似種群系統分類之研究

碩士 / 國立中山大學 / 海洋資源學系 / 82 / The gobies of genus Rhinogobius inhabit in streams, rivers
,lakes and estuaries of East Asia region which contain both
land-lock and diadromous type of life histories. In Taiwan,
they arethe most dominant group of benthic fish fauna in the
freshwater and brackish waters. But only a few papers has been
published their systematics or ecological studies. Thus, the
purpose ofthis study are to revise this species complex and
infer phylo-genetic relationship through morphological, eco-
logical andmolecular approaches. Based on the comparisons of
their morphological characters and ecological niches, this
group offishes can be divided into 2 complexes and 11 species
as below: (1) Rhinogobius guirinus complex (1 species); (2)
Rhinogobius brunneus complex (10 species). For constructing the
molecular phylogeny of this group, PCR are used for amplifing
the DNA fragments between Cyto B and 12S rRNA gene in mtDNA
genome. The full D-loop region of 2 and 12S rRNA gene in mtDNA
genome. Among the partial D-loop sequence(350 bp) of 42
individuals of 12 species of R.brunneus complex , can be
divided into 3 group:(1) Nagoya group; (2) land-lock group; (3)
southern Taiwan group. The divergence time of the active
speciation-period whithin the groups may be correlated with 3
important and serious glacial ages in o.35~ 0.65 million years
Date January 1994
CreatorsChen, I Shiung, 陳義雄
ContributorsHsu, Chi Hsin; Shao, Kwang Tsao, 徐基新;邵廣昭
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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