Analysis and Modeling of Warship Engineering Damage Control Operation / 艦艇輪機損害管制作業模式之分析與建構

碩士 / 國防管理學院 / 資源管理研究所 / 84 / With scenario of main engineering room attacked and damaged, WEDCM (Warship Engineering Damage control Model ) developed for PFG-2 warship inclines to improve warship survivability by evaluating various damage control programs via simulation. For assuring the validity of system flows in WEDCM, it identifies key facters involved in damage control process and establishes the causal-effect relationships among them by logical analysis at first. Furthermore, it reasons out dynamic structual equations through analyzing flooding effect and warship stability in various stages as bases for system construction.
  In addition to coding and building system modules, it verifies correctness of system flows by process tracing technique and justification of system behaviours by stimulus-response method via altering some specific managerial parameters. Beyond those, it compares synchronization between program execution and animation.
  Excepting being used for damage control training course, WEDCM supports managerial strategy making for warship damage control operations in case all parameters are provided and real distributions of system variates are identified.
Date January 1996
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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