Preferred Temperature, Development , and Metabolism in Larval Bufo Bankorensis from Different Altitudes / 不同海拔盤古蟾蜍蝌蚪喜好溫度、發育與代謝之比較

碩士 / 國立成功大學 / 生物學研究所 / 85 / This study compares temperature preference, rates of growth and development, and rates of oxygen consumption (Mo2) between two altitudinal populations (300 and 2300 m) of larval Bufo bankorensis. The preferred temperatures (Tp) in larval Bufo bankorensis were not significantly different between altitudinal populations. Mean Tp remained rather constant in most larval stages, however, high Tp occurred at stage 37~38 and at the metamorphic climax (stage 41~43) . The mean Tp in larvae of stage 27~43 was 25C, and was 23C after one-week acclimation at 20C. Larvae (stage 34~38) from high altitude developed faster than those from low altitude at all test temperatures (20, 25 and 30C) . Larval development increased between 20 and 25C, however, did not change significantly between 25 and 30C. Abnormal development were found at 30C in larvae from both altitudes. The percentage of abnormality was higher in larvae from low altitude. Size at metamorphosis decreased with increasing temperature in larvae from high altitude, however, affected little by temperature in the low altitude larvae. Resting Mo2, active Mo2, and metabolic scope did not differ in larvae (stage 29~31) from different altitudes. The above results indicate that larvae of Bufo bankorensis from different altitudes vary in rate of development and tolerance to high developmental temperature. The mechanisms for these phenomena remain to be studied.佚
Date January 1997
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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