1.Effects of Dietary n-3 PUFA and Cholesterol on Lipid Synthesis in the Liver of Hamsters. 2.Effects of (+)-Catechin and Quercetin on Blood Lipids and Susceptibility of LDL to Oxidation. / (一)飼料中n-3多不飽和脂肪酸和膽固醇對倉鼠肝臟脂質合成的影響.(二)(+)-Catechin和Quercetin對由魚油與膽固醇所引起倉鼠之高脂血症及LDL氧化的影響

碩士 / 國立臺灣大學 / 生化科學研究所 / 85 / 1. 這個實驗是要探討魚油與膽固醇對肝臟脂質合成的影響。將體重 70g 左右雄性倉鼠
﹐分成四組﹐每組六隻。分別給予含 10% soybean oil、10% fish oil、10% soybean oi
l+ 0.5% C、10% fish oil + 0.5% C 的飼料。餵食三週後﹐由大腿靜脈注射C14-oleic a
cid (1.5uCi/100g)。兩小時後犧牲取肝臟和血液做脂質放射性強度的分析。結果顯示在1
0% fish oil + 0.5% C 作用下﹐確能造成倉鼠之高血脂的狀況。 魚油組中魚油為一
不飽和放射原較易被併入三酸甘油酯中﹐因而 10% fish oil + 0.5% C 有較強的放射性
強度。在膽固醇和魚油的作用下﹐各脂質的合成的確受到影響﹐LDL 的組成也隨之改變﹐
代謝速率減慢﹐造成血漿中 VLDL-C 及 LDL-C 濃度的上升。 2. 探討 (+)-Catechin
及 Quercetin 對經由魚油和膽固醇或膽固醇餵食所引起倉鼠高三酸甘油酯及高膽固醇血
脂症的影響。實驗一將雄性倉鼠分成六組﹐每組 7 隻。分別給予添加 10% 魚油和 0.2%
膽固醇的基本飼料﹐或基本飼料添加 0.02% a-tocopherol 或 0.016% probucol、(+)-ca
techin 或 quercetin 之實驗飼料﹐餵以含10% 黃豆油和 0.2% 膽固醇之對照組飼料。經
結果顯示添加抗氧化劑 Probucol、(+)-Catechin 或 Quercetin 後﹐不僅能延緩由
高魚油和高膽固醇飼料餵食後倉鼠 LDL 在體外被銅離子催化氧化的時間﹔並能有效的降
低經由高魚油和高膽固醇飼料餵食後所引起高血脂的情況。 實驗二每組 5~6 隻﹐
分別給予內含 0.1% 膽固醇的基本飼料。或再分別添加0.02% a-tocopherol 或 0.016% p
robucol、(+)-catechin 或 quercetin。經四週的 餵食後﹐同實驗一的方法作各項脂質
分析。結果發現 (+)-Catechin 及 Quercetin 的降血脂能力和魚油的使用有關﹔抗氧化
1. In this study, male hamsters weighting about 70g were divided into four g
roups and fed powder diets containing 10% soybean oil, 10% fish oil, 10% soybe
an oil + 0.5% C and 10% fish oil + 0.5% C for three weeks. When the feeding p
eriod was over, these hamsters are injected with isotopic C14-oleic acid (1.5u
Ci/100g) and keeped alive for two hours. When hamsters are sacrified,we collec
t the livers and plasma to analyze the isotopic intensity of lipid to understa
nd the synthesis of lipid. It shows that the supplement of fish oil and ch
olesterol can increase the lipid concentration in hamsters. The activity of li
ver triglyceride is the hightest in 10% fish oil group due to the usage of mon
osaturated isotopicfatty acid as a tracer. The supplement of cholesterol a
nd fish oil can influence the synthesis of lipid in the liver. Therefore it af
fects thecomposition of VLDL and the fundtion to the lipoproteinlipase. It als
o affectsthe composition of LDL and we can see the higher concentration of VLD
L-V andLDL-C. 2. To study the effects of (+)-catechin and quercetin on high c
holesterol-fishoil diet or high cholesterol diet induced hyperlipidemia in ha
msters. Experiment 1. Thirty-six male hamsters weight 95~100g were devided in
to 6 groups of 7 animals in each. Hamsters were fed with diets containing 10%
soybeanoil + 0.2% cholesterol (C), 10% fish oil (FO) + 0.2% C, 10% FO + 0.2% C
+ 0.02% a-tocopherol, 10% FO + 0.2% C + 0.016% probucol, 10% FO + 0.2% C + 0.0
16% quercetin or 10% FO + 0.2% C + 0.016% (+)-catechin for four weeks. Plasm
a wascollected. VLDL, LDL and HDL were isolated by centrifugation. Cholesterol
and triglyceride concentrations in plasma and lipoprotein fractions were dete
rmined. LDL was oxidized with 5 um Cu2+ in vitro. The results showed that cate
chin and quercetin were able to lower plasma TG and cholesterol concentrations
in 10% FO + 0.2% C fed hamsters. Experiment 2. Thirty-four male hamsters we
ight 95~100g were used in thisexperiment. Hamsters were fed with chow diet sup
plemented with 0.1% C, 0.1% C + 0.02% a-tocopherol, 0.1% C + 0.016% probucol,
0.1% C + 0.016% quercetin or 0.1% C + 0.016% (+)-catechin for four weeks. Plas
ma and lipoproteins were assayed as in the experiment1. The result of experi
ment 2 showed that the hypolipidemic effect of catechin and quercetin was cond
itional. However, catechin and quercetin were effective in delaing onset of c
opper ion induced LDL oxidation regardless of presence or absence of fish oil
in the diet.

Date January 1997
CreatorsHU, WEI-MIN, 胡偉敏
ContributorsPO-CHAO HUANG, SHAO-CHUN LU, 黃伯超, 呂紹俊, ---
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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