碩士 / 國立臺灣大學 / 動物學系 / 85 / c-mos基因產物是個蛋白, 在脊椎動物之卵成熟過程中調節各項重要事
件. 就蛙卵而言,Mos蛋白激負責誘發GVBD (germinal vesicle
breakdown), 於第一次和第二次減數分裂過渡時抑制DNA合成, 並維持成
熟卵靜止於第二次減數分裂中期. Mos蛋白激之作用機制與MPF
(maturation-promoting factor)作用有著密不可分之關係, 與Mos蛋白質
交互作用之分子更結合成一複雜之交織. 此多元化之分子性質, 可能歸因
於Mos蛋白質合成初期不穩定之性質與磷酸化狀態而達成. 對於Mos蛋白之
生理研究, 多採融合蛋白進行研究. 鯉魚卵成熟的樣態與蛙卵系統有所不
同, 但鯉魚卵成熟的研究僅只於MPF, 尚缺乏完整分子機制之構圖. 本實
驗室則用已選殖到的鯉魚c-mos基因, 利用分子生物學技術, 促使細菌表
現c-mos非融合蛋白, 以極溫和之純化步驟獲取較近於內生性之Mos蛋白,
用. 發現到表現的Mos蛋白在純化後去鹽時有消失的現象. 並且發現到細
菌表現蛋白為一磷酸蛋白, 且於表現之初便已呈磷酸化狀態. 這些基本性
The Mos protein kinase, product of the c-mos proto-oncogene, is
a key regulatorof oocyte maturation in vertebrates. In Xenopus
laevis, Mos protein kinase is involved in inducing germinal
vesicle breakdown, inhibiting DNA replicationdyring meiosis I/
meiosis II transition and maintaining the metaphase arrest of
meiosis II in mature eggs. Maturation promoting factor (MPF)
activities duringoocyte maturation are also regulated by Mos or
Mos-mediated mechanisms. Mosalso interacts with many molecules
other than MPF. The multi-functionalproperties of Mos might be
attributed to its various phosphorylation statesand instable
property. In spite of the apparent conformation problems,
mostresearches in Xenopus oocyte system used Mos fusion protein
as a tool. On thehand, researches in fish oocyte maturation are
in relatively slow progressionwithout incorporating Mos into
studies. We had cloned c-mos gene from the carpgenomic library.
In this study, the c-mos gene product of the carp was expressed
as a non-fusion protein in E. coli. The expressed protein
showeddifferent characters from Mos fusion protein utilized in
the study of Xenopusoocytes. Characterization of the carp c-mos
protein in vitro will help theinvestigation of Mos molecular
mechanism in vivo in the future.
Identifer | oai:union.ndltd.org:TW/085NTU00312006 |
Date | January 1997 |
Creators | Ju, Tsai-Kai, 朱蔡豈 |
Contributors | Ferng-Chen Ke, 柯逢春 |
Source Sets | National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan |
Language | zh-TW |
Detected Language | English |
Type | 學位論文 ; thesis |
Format | 53 |
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