Studies on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Four Asparagus Spp. and Ebb and-Flow System Applied to Philodendron spp. / 天門冬屬四種觀葉植物種子發芽、幼苗生育與羽裂蔓綠絨潮汐灌溉之研究

碩士 / 國立臺灣大學 / 園藝學系 / 85 / Germination was not uniform in seeds of four Asparagus
spp., namely Asparagus
plumosus 'Nanus', A. densiflorus 'Sprengeri', A. densiforus 'Myers' and A.
myriocladus. The seeds should be sown under dark conditions
for good germination.
The germination percentages were 83-95%, and 68-86% in seeds
sown at 26±2℃in petri
dish and soilless medium respectively. Germination rate was similar for seeds
sown in three media: King Roots, Fafard 1-P,and Fafard Mix
No.1. Decay percentage
was reduced and germination percentage was improved by soaking
the seeds in 0.1%
NaOCl solution for 30 minutes, and then sown in medium treated
with 1000ppm Benlate.
Priming seeds in osmotic solution of PEG6000 at -0.65~-0.85MPa
for 3 weeks reduced
the time for germination significantly, and improved uniformity of germination.
Asparagus plumosus 'Nanus', A. densiforus 'Myers' and A.
myriocladus grew well at
25/20℃, as compared with A. densiflorus 'Sprengeri' at
30/25℃. Asparagus plumosus
'Nanus' and A. densiflorus 'Sprengeri' treated with quarter
strength of Johnson's
solution once a week grew well, as compared with A. densiforus 'Myers' and A.
myriocladus with half strength of Johnson's solution once a week. Results here
suggested the mineral nutrient requirement was relatively low
in these plants. Water
content of storage root was higher than 90%, that could explain
why these plants were
Well-grown plants of Philodendron 'Imperial Green' in 10 cm
diameter pots were
produced by feeding with full strength of Johnson's solution
twice a week, and for
Philodendron selloum with Osmocote(14-14-14)6g/L plus full or
half strength of Johnson's
solution twice a week. This would suggest that a large mineral requirement for
Philodendron plants. In sunny days, the changes of
evapotranspiration of potted
Philodendron selloum per hour was under the influence of
temperature, relative humidity
and light tensity, and for rainy days only of light intensity.
Philodendron selloum
irrigated with ebb-and-flow system was beneficial for top and root growth.
Date January 1997
Creatorskuo, Horng-Yeuan, 郭宏遠
ContributorsNean Lee, Tsu-Liang Chang, 李哖, 張祖亮
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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