Optimalization of the weighting matrices in the standard H∞-Control problem —The Genetic Algorithm Approach and its application on ships. / 以基因演算法選擇標準H∞控制問題權重函數之研究與其在艦艇上之應用

碩士 / 國立成功大學 / 造船及船舶機械工程學系 / 88 / Abstract
Genetic algorithm (GA) is well known as a numerical method and is widely applied in various optimal problems. Note that if the searched set is getting wider or the fitness function selected has higher degree of no linearity, the G.A. solutions become quite different with respond to the setting parameters, which are composed of population size、crossover rate、mutation rate and the remaining size of parent in G.A..
By demonstrating the G.A. method with an easy example first, we apply it to the ship-sailing H∞-control problems by utilizing it to select the weighting matrices in H∞-control formulation. Results reveal that the G.A. method can a better set of optimal weighting functions in ship-sailing control problems but also show good feasibility and superiority.
This research uses Genetic algorithms to search for the best combination of the weighting function so that the closed-loop system becomes more robust and has ether tracking precision under uncertainties.

Date January 2000
CreatorsPeng Yang, 楊朋
ContributorsCheng-Neng Hwang, 黃正能
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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