博士 / 國立臺灣大學 / 地理學研究所 / 88 / The tourism industry around the world has enjoyed substantial growth for years. This trend encourages developed countries and developing countries alike to develop tourism in order to increase tourism incomes.
However, in misconceptions and improper planning of tourism development to will harm very the environment that attracts tourists. Tourism activities held at improper time of the year can also enormous impact on the environment.
The concept of sustainable tourism development will affect the interchange of environment, community, economic growth and government policy. The purpose of sustainable tourism development is to improve and protect the environment resources for posterity and preserve tourism. This will also improve the quality of life worldwide. Sustainable development has become a central concern in the tourism industry today. Several studies and symposia have been conducted by international experts to find ways to develop tourism in alignment with environmental needs. With the goal of sustainable development in mind, we should promote ecological tourism, responsible tourism, deep-probing tourism, and alternative tourism.
Tourist area planning aims at harmoniously of the integrating tourist and environmental resources, and developing the community. Tourism usually peaks during the holiday season, thus overloading the tourism infrastructure in specific areas. Overcrowding tourists in the specific area lowers the recreational satisfaction index, leading to environmental degradation, air, water, and soil pollution; disturbing wildlife , and transforming cultural features of the community. Tourist area planning requires thorough consideration of future development, integration of industrial development, environmental protection, and sustainable economic development.
Integrated planning of tourism stems from the idea of sustainable development. It should thus be integrating, systematic, democratic, and practicable. All factors in the planning process such as marketing, infrastructure analysis, community involvement administration, planning, and private investment should be integrated.
Geographers have long been concerned about the use of regional resources. In the early 1970s, one sub-field of geography of tourism was formed. Tourism geography, according to Mitchell and Murphy (1991) are environmental, regional, spatial and evolutionary considerations. Tourism planning, marketing and promotion, and the relationship between globalization and economic and cultural change are also key factors. As tourism geography has developed towards sustainable tourism development, the definition and analysis of sustainable tourism development should be further studied.
This study adopts the method of integration and sustainable planning, treating. The Northeast Coast National Scenic Area has been chosen as an example. The research begins with the debate of internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats of the said Scenic Area, in order to clarify the topics of sustainable tourism development. Adopting the concept of core indicators of sustainable tourism, we develop 30 indicators of the evaluation of sustainable tourism development to analyze the present situation and for the use of tourism management and policy-making. They include 13 indicators of forward to sustainable development, 3 of indicators neutral to sustainable development, and 14 indicators is deviation from sustainable development. The study proposes methods for strategic analysis on how to cope with internal and external factors against the sustainable development of the Northeast scenic area that will hurt the development of tourism directly or indirectly.
This case study has shown that sustainable tourism development of a tourist area , depends on the interaction of tourists, residents, the tourism environment, and trade media .It has shown, moreover, that planning and management of a tourist area, is ongoing. This requires the involvement of administrators, residents, government, and international cooperation. The purpose of sustainable tourism development is to serve the needs of the people and their posterity. The study also proposes strategies and implementation methods for sustainable tourism development. These are divided into strategies and methods for government agencies, the tourism industry, non-governmental organizations, tourists, and international organizations. This is to be used as a reference for administrators in planning the sustainable of destinations.
Key Word: Tourism, Destination, Tourism Planning, Sustainable Development, Core Indicators of Sustainable Tourism
第一章 緒論.......................... 1
第一節 研究動機...................... 1
第二節 研究目的...................... 4
第二章 文獻回顧與理論基礎................... 6
第一節 觀光地理學之研究發展................ 6
第二節 觀光地區規劃理論基礎................21
第三節 台灣觀光地區規劃之課題...............49
第三章 研究方法與架構.....................65
第一節 研究問題之提出...................65
第二節 文獻回顧......................65
第三節 名詞解釋......................70
第四節 個案研究空間範圍..................71
第五節 研究架構......................73
第六節 研究方法與流程...................76
第四章 東北角海岸風景特定區永續觀光發展面臨之課題.......79
第一節 研究區環境背景...................79
第二節 規劃程序及管理政策課題...............85
第三節 風景特定區規劃及經營管理法令與課題.........89
第四節 管理組織......................92
第五節 特定區計畫與管理體制相關之課題...........98
第六節 觀光環境及資源使用強度...............95
第七節 觀光設施供應及遊憩壓力..............107
第八節 觀光客旅遊型態及滿意度..............119
第九節 發展觀光對地方產業經濟之影響與居民願景......134
第十節 永續發展環境衝突課題...............147
第五章 東北角海岸風景特定區永續觀光發展策略.........160
第一節 永續觀光發展的優勢、弱勢、機會及威脅(SWOT)分析..160
第二節 永續觀光發展指標分析...............166
第三節 永續觀光發展因應策略...............175
第四節 觀光地區永續觀光發展行動策略...........187
第六章 結論與建議......................197
第一節 研究發現及討論..................197
第二節 建議.......................203
圖 次
圖2.1 觀光心向曲線..................... 26
圖2.2 觀光地區發展的生命週期................ 28
圖2.3 區域策略規劃程序................... 29
圖2.4 PASOLP觀光規劃方法.................. 31
圖2.5 Doxey居民不滿指標 .................. 35
圖2.6 標準主要計畫程序................... 39
圖2.7 觀光功能系統圖.................... 43
圖2.8 觀光規劃組成..................... 44
圖2.9 永續觀光系統之永續性分性............... 46
圖2.10 土地使用分區管制概念模式............... 51
圖2.11 土地使用分區管制之發展階段.............. 52
圖3.1 觀光地理學領域.................... 66
圖3.2 觀光矩陣....................... 67
圖3.3 研究架構圖...................... 75
圖3.4 研究流程圖...................... 78
圖4.1 東北角海岸風景特定區計劃範圍圖............ 80
圖4.2 行政區劃圖...................... 81
圖4.3 由省政府辦理之特定區計畫程序圖............ 91
圖4.4 管理處組織架構圖................... 94
圖4.5 東北角海岸風景特定區土地使用分區圖..........105
圖4.6 東北角海岸風景特定區遊憩活動示意圖..........106
圖4.7 經營者、觀光客及資源面關係圖.............119
圖5.1 東北角海岸風景特定區永續觀光發展的優勢、弱勢、機會及
圖5.2 觀光地區永續發展規劃觀念圖..............188
圖5.3 永續觀光發展與生態、經濟之永續性關係.........192
圖5.4 觀光發展與社區經濟關係圖...............193
圖5.5 觀光地區教育宣導及訓練圖...............194P
表 次
表2.1 觀光規劃理論與傳統.................. 23
表2.2 標準規劃程序..................... 41
表2.3 永續觀光中心指標................... 48
表2.4 台灣地區土地使用分區管制體制表............ 54
表2.5 台灣地區土地使用分區項目表.............. 54
表2.6 英國開發許可制之緣由與發展.............. 56
表2.7 發展許可制的三階段.................. 59
表2.8 主要觀光地區分類................... 62
表3.1 土地使用管制相關文獻比較表.............. 69
表4.1 交通部觀光局國家風景區管理處員額編制表........ 93
表4.2 東北角海岸風景特定區第一次通盤檢討前後土地使用面積對
照表......................... 99
表4.3 東北角海岸風景特定區環境資源使用強度表........103
表4.4 東北角海岸風景特定區第一次通盤檢討前後旅遊設施土地使
表4.5 東北角海岸風景特定區第一期中程建設計畫........108
表4.6 東北角海岸風景特定區第二期中程建設計畫........109
表4.7 東北角海岸風景特定區第三期中程建設計畫........111
表4.8 各遊憩據點旅遊服務設施建設內容表...........112
表4.9 東北角海岸風景特定區現有據點承載量..........115
表4.10 東北角海岸風景特定區現有停車場概況表.........117
表4.11 東北角海岸風景特定區各主要據點收費停車場(76-88年)遊
表4.12 東北角海岸風景特定區現有觀光客基本資料分析......123
表4.13 東北角海岸風景特定區旅遊次數分析...........124
表4.14 東北角海岸風景特定區旅遊方式分析...........125
表4.15 東北角海岸風景特定區旅遊交通工具分析.........126
表4.16 東北角海岸風景特定區住宿狀況分析...........127
表4.17 東北角海岸風景特定區遊客動機分析...........128
表4.18 東北角海岸風景特定區遊客停留據點分析.........130
表4.19 東北角海岸風景特定區遊客滿意度分析..........133
表4.20 東北角海岸風景特定區三鄉鎮歷年人口統計表.......134
表4.21 東北角海岸風景特定區各村里歷年人口統計表.......136
表4.22 東北角海岸風景特定區三鄉鎮工商業統計表........138
表4.23 東北角海岸風景特定區遊客旅遊花費表..........139
表4.24 東北角海岸風景特定區九孔養殖產值...........140
表4.25 東北角海岸風景特定區漁鮮餐廳統計表..........141
表4.26 東北角海岸風景特定區就業機會統計表..........142
表4.27 居民對東北角海岸觀光開發影響之意見分析........144
表4.28 居民對觀光發展管制措施之意見分析...........146
表4.29 居民對東北角海岸風景特定區開發願景意見分析......147
表4.30 東北角海岸風景特定區管理處歷年取締告發案件統計表...157
表5.1 東北角海岸風景特定區永續觀光發展指標.........173
Date January 2000
CreatorsZO , SING - NAN, 左顯能
ContributorsSING WANG, 王 鑫
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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