
碩士 / 國立成功大學 / 交通管理學系 / 89 / One of the biggest challenges container shipping carriers faces is to allocate containership slots in an efficient, effective manner, and in turn increase their revenue, namely, yield management. Atop of an efficacious slot allocation mechanism, success can only be achieved with a thorough understanding in the maximization of containership slot utility. For instance, differences in regional demand mean that apart from allocating slots for loaded containers, container shipping carriers also have to spare sufficient space for empty containers. Furthermore, container shipping carriers offer not only a service route, but also a service network, nowadays. Therefore, when allocating containership slots for containers with various origin-destination pairs, the service network aspect should be taken into account. All these explain the inevitability and difficulty of the slot allocation problem of container vessels.
This paper makes an attempt to formulate an optimization model for the containership slot allocation problem. In order to take the loaded/empty container aspect and service network aspect into consideration, a multicommodity network flow model is formulated. This slot allocation model is evaluated with a real-world case extracted from a top national shipping carrier. It is hoped that this model can help carriers to allocate containership slots more efficiently.

Date January 2001
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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