A Study of Life Value of Lorry Transportation Safety Risk and its Risk-Reduction Policy--A case study of Kaohsiung Port’s Joint Transportation / 大貨車運輸安全風險之生命價值與風險降低策略之研究---以高雄港聯外運輸為例

碩士 / 國立高雄第一科技大學 / 運輸與倉儲營運系 / 89 / Summary
Due to the increasing demand of global economic assessment in thoroughfares transportation safety plan, to bring evaluation and safety risk’s compensation value into the line with the economic assessment is one of the important issues, among which casualty and death prevention, as well as safety-risk improvement are the major items. With this idea in mind, we are aware that nowadays experts in domestic transportation safety management or in other related areas are scanty, let alone the improvement policy of lorry transportation safety risk is rather inadequate. In view of the aforementioned fact, this study’s main purpose is to evaluate “life value” of lorry’s casualty risk, and adopt Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) to examine lorry’s casualty-reduction policy. This study will draw up the Individual Risk Method so as to evaluate safety risk, and take Kaohsiung Port’s neighboring area as an example to further shore up my argument in this case study.
My research on the lorries in Kaohsiung Port’s neighboring area shows that their average mileage in this area is around 6.2 miles (equals 10 km), and the population exposed to lorry safety risk is around 74,000 people. According to the risk evaluation formula conducted by this study, the safety risk that the residents are exposed to ranges between 2.19 x 10-5 and 9.42 x 10-5 per year. On the authority of the questionnaires of this case study and the condition evaluation method (Willingness to Pay, WTP), the random interviews targeted at 385 local residents and 54 reeves and assistant reeves show that the interviewees’ estimated life value concerning casualty prevention ranks between NT$17.77 million and NT$40.02 million per person. At the same time the interviewees also agreed that to ban lorry drivers’ violation of overtaking and overload is the government’s risk-reduction policy. According to this assessment in “ban on lorries’ overtaking and overload”, this risk-reduction policy can not only produce its net economic benefits up to NT$69.461 million per year, but also enhance our safety standard, and reduce the safety risk from 1.52 x 10-5 to 6.61 x 10-5 per year.

Date January 2001
ContributorsMing-Chih Tsai, 蔡明志
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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