Complex Coacervation of the Monostroma nitidum Crude Polysaccharides and Chitosan for Preparing the Microcapsules Containing Eicosapentaenoic Acid / 利用海菜粗多醣與幾丁聚醣以複雜相分離法製備含二十碳五烯酸之微膠囊

碩士 / 國立海洋大學 / 食品科學系 / 89 / Abstract
The objective of this study is to explore the effects of the concentration of Monostroma nitidum crude polysaccharides and chitosan concentration and its molecular weight on the size and its distribution and antioxidation effect of the EPA-contained beads prepared with complex coacervation method. The study includes 1. To measure the rheological properties of the emulsion of Monostroma nitidum crude polysaccharides and chitosan solution. 2. To study the effects of concentration of Monostroma nitidum crude polysaccharides and chitosan concentration and its molecular weight on the size and its distribution of beads and their stability and the antioxidation effect on capsulated fish oil. The results obtained are as follows:
The apparent viscosity of crude polysaccharides’ emulsion is direct proportional to its concentration. The apparent viscosity of emulsion decreased with increasing shear rate. The apparent viscosity of chitosan solution increased with increasing concentration and molecular weight. There is no dissolution and burst of bead’s membranes stored in pH 2 hydrochloronic acid for 5 h.
The particle size of beads decreased significantly with increasing chitosan concentration. The smallest bead was prepared from 1.5% chitosan solution. The diameter of beads increased with increasing molecular weight of chitosan. The effect of crude polysaccharides concentration on beads’ diameter was not significant. The mean particle size of beads is between 2.1-3.1 mm. The content of fish oil in beads increased with increasing crude polysaccharides concentration and the mean content is between 2.03-2.94 mg of bead.
The content of primary oxidation products, conjugated dienes, of fish oil encapsulated in beads were lower than the uncapsuled ones at the tenth day. Conjugated diene value of encapsulated fish oil decreased with increasing concentration of chitosan and crude polysaccharides used in preparing the bead. Similar results were observed for the secondary oxidation products, conjugated trienes. At the tenth day, the value of conjugated trienes for those encapsulated was lower than those unencapsulated, and in proportion inverse to the concentration of chitosan and crude polysaccharides of Monostroma nitidum used.
Date January 2001
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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