An Economic Impact Analysis of Hiring Mainland Crews on Fishing Harbor Area - Case Studies of Ba-Dou-Zi and Nan-Fang-Ao Fishing Harbor / 大陸漁工引進對漁港經濟區之影響分析-以八斗子及南方澳漁港為例

碩士 / 國立海洋大學 / 漁業經濟研究所 / 89 / The issues of labor authority and advantage have been disputed violently on the world, and labor integration will be key to the success of economic globalization, and the future development of the world trade system. Recently, as the historical high unemployment rate in Taiwan, labor shortage also exists in some primary industries, and fisheries is one of them industry. Due to the similar race and easier language communications, inshore and coastal fisheries of boat owner employed Mainland crews since 1988. For these fishery industries, employers have recruited Mainland crew and build vessel hotels within 12 miles sea for fishing operation convenience. However, in face of negative criticize on internal economics social welfare and safety concerns, proper accommodations for crew’s hiring and management is requested. This study evaluates economical impact on employing Mainland crews for inshore and coastal fisheries in Taiwan, and tries to improve the development of regional economics by providing a better employ model for vessel owner and government. The concept of Immigration Surplus is applied to establish an empirical model of employing Mainland crews, and survey data from used Ba Dou Zi and Nan Fang Ao fishing harbor for the policy simulation is conducted. The empirical results indicate; (1) Mainland crews employment have positive economic impact, but crowds the basic shipman(less-skilled laborer)and local women out of job opportunities; (2) Employing Mainland crews benefits the fishery industries, boat owner, and skilled crews, but basic shipmen’s salaries are reduced; (3) Mainland crews add local fishing yield in short term, but bring pressure fishery to resources in the long term; (4) The Ba Dou Zi’s and Nan Fang Ao Fishing Harbor’s best fit ratio of local skilled crews to aggregate crews is above 53% and 48.3% respectively, beyond this criterion it can promote local value of fishery by employing no skilled or skilled mainland crews, and vice versa. In conclusion, for crew shortage harbor, it’s suggested that Mainland crew policy can compliance with appropriate tax on boat owner and quota management policy. To improve equity and efficiency and positive develop of economics local harbor. These policy must consider fishing harbors labor’ characteristics and provide job training for local less-skilled labor.
Date January 2001
CreatorsVincent-Liu, 劉志儒
ContributorsChing-Ta Chuang, 莊慶達
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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