Systematic and Ecological Studies of Red Yeast from Marine of Taiwan / 臺灣海洋紅色酵母菌之系統學與生態學研究

碩士 / 東吳大學 / 微生物學系 / 89 / There were 988 marine yeast isolates, including 254 red yeasts, isolated from sea water samples of 75 coastal sites of Taiwan and satellite islands in January and July, 1999. The red yeast isolates were clustered into 19 groups using PCR-RFLP analysis of the rDNA-ITS DNA regions. Identification of the red yeasts were based on morphological characters, physiological tests, and DNA sequence analysis. Physiological tests were performed by Biolog yeast identification system. ITS and 26S rDNA D1/D2 region sequences were compared to confirm the identities. Eleven species were identified, they were Rhodotorula minuta, R. slooffiae, R. marina, Rhodosporidium sphaerocarpum, Rh. dibovatum, Rh. paludigenum, Rh. toruloides, Rh. fluviale, Sporidiobolus pararoseus and Sp. ruineniae. They are reported from Taiwan for the first time except R. mucilaginosa, which is noted as additional record. According to the morphological characters and the physiological tests, the other eight groups were identified as five Rhodotorula spp., two Sporobolomyces spp., and a Cryptococcus species. The phylogenetic trees were constructed with Biolog metabolic data, PCR-RFLP of rDNA ITS patterns, ITS sequences and LSU rDNA D1/D2 sequences, respectively. There were two major clades, Erythrobasidium and Sporidiobolus, presented in these trees. Two species were seasonal occurrence, Sp. pararoseus strains were isolated in January; and Rh. toruloides strains were isolated in July. Rh. paludigenum and R. minuta were common in southern Taiwan; Rh. diobovatum was prevalent in western Taiwan, and R. mucilaginosa distributed widely in the sea water of Taiwan. Total yeast and red yeast was counted at eleven sampling sites. Association between total yeast, red yeast and the levels of pollution were examined by T- test. Total yeast and red yeast counts had positive response to increased pollution levels, and Rh. diobovatum strains were prevalent in polluted sea water but rare in unpolluted seawater.
Date January 2001
CreatorsChing-Wen Chang, 張靜文
ContributorsPi-Han Wang, 汪碧涵
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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