Affecting factors for seepage quantity in Liyutan Reservoir / 鯉魚潭壩體滲流量影響因素研究

碩士 / 逢甲大學 / 土木及水利工程所 / 91 / Abstract
This study is aim at seepage factor of Liyutan Reservoir,Go along seepage of dam quantity analyze simulation,then compare with the monotoring data to add to compare to and statistics,Ask out seepage of Liyutan Reservoir quantity exert reservoir happening of water level and rainfall happening act on appertain,Book out seepage quantity to reservoir regression curve value,Provide cogitate the seepage of rainfall factor awake standard feed the main equipments of the Reservoir Administration。
The result of seepage analysis was obtained by using SEEP/W 2D model(2 dimensions finite element computer program) ,which was develop by GEO-SLOPE company in Canada, and use the SPSS statistical software to establish regression curve and alarm value,then compare with the monotoring data,which was influenced by rainfall and rim water level,And adduction recession curve law visit beg seepage of dam quantity influence on reservoir water level and rainfall across factor。
Date January 2003
CreatorsFang-Chih Liu, 劉芳志
Contributors無, 許少華
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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