The morphological studies on Dictyotales (Phaeophyceae, Heterokontophyta) from Taiwan / 台灣產網地藻目之形態學研究

碩士 / 國立彰化師範大學 / 生物學系 / 91 / The specimens were extensively collected from Taiwan and its off shore islands from July 1999 to February 2003. There were 1 family, 2 tribus, 8 genus and 33 species of Dictyotales identified in Taiwan, including 1 new genus, Chiangia gen. nov., 1 new specie, Chiangia formosana sp. nov., and 11 new records, Dictyopteris jamaicensis Taylor, Dis. prolifera (Okamura) Okamura, Dictyota adhaerens Noda, Dia. ceylanica Kützing, Dia. crispata Lamouroux, Dia. magneana De Clerck et Coppejans, Padina ryukyuana Lee et Kamura, Spatoglossum australasicum Kützing, S. crispatum Howe, S. latum Tanaka and S. variabile Figari et De Notaris. Furthermore, the external and internal characteristic of thallus, reproductive structures, geographical distribution and seasonal occurrence are described in detail.
The species belong to Dictyotales are belting- or fan-like in externals, composed of cortex and medulla in internal part. The reproduction structures-sporangia, oogonia and antheridia, are developed from the cortex cell, projecting or sinking in the thallus. Sporangia divided in meiosis to form tetra-spores or octa-spores (only in Lobophora J. Agardh and Zonaria C. Agardh). Oogonia divided to form an egg. Antheridia divided to form a large number of sperms. According to the arrangement of reproduction organs on the surface of thallus, 8 type can be recognized: (1) single or assembled at sori, scattered on the surface of thallus; most of species are belonged to this type, such as Chiangia, Dictyota Lamouroux, Lobophora, Pachydictyon J. Agardh and Spatoglossum Kützing; (2) only assembled along the edges of thallus, found on few species in Dictyota; (3) parallel arrangement at both sides of the vein of thallus, line-like, occurred at Dictyopteris Lamouroux; (4) disorderly arrangement at both sides of the vein of thallus, broad belt-like, occurred at Dictyopteris; (5) arrangement at both sides of the vein of thallus, assembled at oval-shaped sori, occurred at Dictyopteris; (6) arrangement from the vein to edges of thallus, curve-like, occurred at Dictyopteris; (7) occurred with paraphyses, focus on Exallosorus Phillips, Homoesotrichus J. Agardh and Zonaria; and (8) arrangement on successive or disconnected concentric circles, all Padina Adanson species be part of this type. Except the second and sixth types, all type could be found in Taiwan.
In the aspect of life cycle, Dictyota crispata, Padina minor Yamada, Spatoglossum crispatum and S. latum are dioecious, while Padina australis Hauck and P. pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy are monoecicus. Among them, the dioecious gametophytes of Padina minor and Spatoglossum crispatum in this study are firstly observed. In this study, 8 kinds of reproductive organs which never been published previously were found in 6 species, including the sporangia of Chiangia formosana, Dictyota hamifera Setchell and Spatoglossum austricusum, the oogonia of D. crispata, the oogonia and antheridia of Padina minor and S. crispatum.
Date January 2003
CreatorsChing-Su Lin, 林敬舒
ContributorsWei-Lung Wang, 王瑋龍
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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