Composition and Distribution of Copepod in the Waters off Northeastern Taiwan / 臺灣東北部海域橈足類種類組成及其分布特性之研究

碩士 / 國立海洋大學 / 環境生物與漁業科學學系 / 91 / The northwest waters off Taiwan are one of the most productive neritic fishing grounds associated with favorable environment for marine community. Copepods have been generally considered to be the keystone species in marine environment. This study is to investigate the composition and distribution of copepods in this region. Four cruises (CR486, CR699, CR710 and CR877) of IKMT net sampling with CTD observation were conducted from Ocean research No.2 during summer.
One hundred and ten species of copepods were found from a total of 33 zooplankton sampling nets. The species composition of copepods among 17 nets in CR486 sampling station could be classified into four taxonomic groups by using cluster analysis. At the CR486 station, taxonomic group A had a high mean abundance (345.24± 265.02 individuals m-3) of copepod but with low Shannon-Wiener species diversity (3.22± 0.71) and J’ evenness index (0.69± 0.11). Conversely, both taxonomic group B1 and B2 had lower mean abundance (147.19± 111.99 inds./m3 and 155.17± 90.95 inds./m3, respectively) of copepod but with higher species diversity (3.91± 1.68 and 4.31± 0.12) and evenness (0.79± 0.33 and 0.83± 0.03). The taxonomic group C was intermediate between group A and B with the mean abundance (203.32± 126.27 inds./m3) of copepod as well as the diversity (3.77± 0.51) and evenness (0.74± 0.10). The satellite image of sea surface temperature showed that the sampling station within taxonomic group A was distributed in the waters affected by the Taiwan Strait Warm Current. And, the sampling station within taxonomic group B1 and B2 were distributed in the waters near continental slope and cold eddy/upwelling area, respectively, which affected by the Kuroshio Current. The sampling station within taxonomic group C was distributed in the northern side of the study area that affected by the continental mixed waters.
Furthermore, the typical species of tropical copepods, such as Canthocalanus pauper, Undinula vulgaris, Acrocalanus gibber, Paracalanus aculeatus, Temora turbinate …etc., had high abundance and species composition percentage in this waters near Kuroshio and Taiwan Strait Warm Current. Conversely, the copepods of low abundance and species composition, such as Clausocalanus minor, Oithona plumifera, Clausocalanus spp.…etc., were always found in the cold eddy/upwelling area. This result suggested that the distribution, abundance and species composition of copepod are associated with different water masses in the waters off northeastern Taiwan.
Date January 2003
CreatorsWan-Ju Chang, 張婉如
ContributorsCheng-Hsin Liao, 廖正信
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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