Fare and Level of Service Optimization for Integrated Public Transit Systems / 都會區大眾運輸整合聯運下費率與服務水準之最佳化

博士 / 國立臺灣大學 / 土木工程學研究所 / 91 / This study aims to develop an analytic model for exploring the optimal fare and level of service of an intermodal public transit system, where mass rapid transit (MRT) and feeder bus transit systems are coordinated. An integrated fare for feeder bus and mass rapid transit services as well as feeder bus headway are optimized under the maximum social welfare objective with a break-even constraint. The relationships between the decision variables and the parameters of system supply and demand are also analyzed.
In the past, most public transit studies analyzed the fare and other decision variables for only a single public transit system and generally ignored the interrelationships and integration between various public transit systems. Additionally, the pricing scheme of public transit normally applied the average costing method rather than demand variation that may be caused by fare and level of service. This study develops a model to solve the optimal MRT fare, feeder bus headway, and feeder bus fare simultaneously. To consider the solution process of the model and the validity of optimal results, numerical examples and mathematical programming are applied to obtain the optimal solutions. Different scenarios of the size, numbers, and potential demand of feeder bus zones are analyzed and discussed.
It is worth of noting that the model developed is a general form representing a typical MRT station with various feeder bus routes while the optimal MRT fare is based on an average trip length. Therefore, basic fare rate can be obtained by the optimal fare and average trip length and then the fare of any station may be analyzed accordingly. It is shown from numerical results that the fare ratio for MRT passengers transferred from feeder bus service is about 1.021 compared with basic MRT fare. In other words, the marginal cost of MRT system is significantly small with that of feeder bus; therefore the maximum social welfare of the integrated system can be achieved with an almost free feeder service. It appears that the MRT revenue can not only support MRT service but also provide feeder bus system and then help of fully utilizing the capacity of MRT. The model and numerical analyses in this study can be used as a guideline for management of an integrated MRT and feeder bus systems.

Date January 2003
CreatorsJer-Wei Sheu, 許哲瑋
ContributorsShyue-Koong Chang, 張學孔
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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