An Analysis of Households' Consumption Patterns and Their Willingness-to-Pay for Fisheries Products in Taiwan / 台灣地區家庭漁產品消費行為分析與其願付價格之估算

碩士 / 國立臺灣海洋大學 / 應用經濟研究所 / 92 / Based on the Food Balance Sheet, the per capita fisheries consumption in Taiwan has followed an increasing trend between 1987 and 2003, and it shows that the domestic fisheries market has become more important than before. After Taiwan entering WTO in 2002, it poses a challenge to the fisheries industry to meet the demand of marketing oriented and consumer leading era. This study utilizes a survey data which was conducted in 2003. By using the telephone survey method, this study collects the information of consumer preference and opinions on fisheries products in Taiwan. In addition, this study adopts the Contingent Valuation Method questionnaire to analyze consumer preference for two major domestic aquaculture products, i.e., tilapia and milkfish by utilizing the Multinomial Logit Model. An empirical model was build to capture the consumers’ characteristics and to estimate willingness-to-pay of the frozen tilapia fillet and milkfish loin by specified indirect utility function to probability function of consumer’s decisions.
From the survey result, we found that most of the respodents, are the food shopper, mostly around 41 to 50 years old, and full-time housewives. Most of the households are comprised with four members. Within ±3.05% sampling-error, 5% of respodents do not consume fisheries products, because most of them are vegetarians. Averagely, a household spends about NT$500 on fisheries products. Three major concerns regarding fisheries products are the freshness, the preferences of family members, and the price. The consumers in the northern Taiwan show a consume milkfish is less than other regions. Results showed that, the acceptable price for 200g frozen tilapia fillet for 50% consumers is NT$57.68 when the whole round tilapia is priced at NT$50 and NT$57.77 for 200g milkfish loin when the whole round tilapia is priced at NT$60. From the findings, consumers mostly have increase their attentions on the importance of food quality and safe hygiene, freshness which are the major important factors that influence the consumer’s choice on fisheries products. In addition to maintaining the quality of the products in marketing, the government should fully implement the seafood inspection measures to guarantee the safety assurance for consuming fisheries products.
Date January 2004
CreatorsHsiao-Fen Chang, 張曉芬
ContributorsFu-Sung Chiang, 江福松
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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