Study on the storage and replacing of inorganic elements during the culturing environment of Penaeus japonicus / 無機元素在斑節蝦養殖過程中蓄積與代換之研究

碩士 / 大仁科技大學 / 環境管理研究所 / 92 / Culture Penaceus japonicus in shrimp pond by growing plankton and snails without adding any feed, any with food chain. During the period of 30 days to 90 days. The samples include Penaceus japonicus (separate into viscera, shell and muscle), Mugilogobius parvus, Thiara granifera, Chara sp., Entermorpha intestinalis, pond water and sediment were sampled for analysis every 3 days. 180 samples drawn were conducted with ICP-AES element analysis. For analysis were the Macro element including (Ca, K, Na, Mg) and Trace element including (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Se). This study was to investigate the deposit of inorganic elements in different species and the effects of related variables, such as utilization rate.
The results indicated that there are significant cyclical changes of Macro and Trace elements contents in the shells and viscera of P. japonicus for sampling day 7, 13, 22, 28, 31, 34, 40, 43, 52 and 55. In other biological phase, there are increase and decrease of inorganic elements along with the sampling dates. However, the elements increased with the progress of sampling dates including K and Na in the shell of P. japonica, K, Cu, Fe, Mn in E. intestinalis and Mn in M. parvus, respectively. Those decreases with the overall concentration of the biological bodies are K and Na in the muscle of P. japonicus, Na in Chara sp. and Se in T. granifera.
The concentrations of inorganic elements in the biological organs in the experiment culturing pond change with the period of culturing, species and organization. In the contents of macro element, the bodies of Chara sp., E. intestinalis and M. parvus are having the highest concentration of metallic element Ca and element of the lowest contents is Mg. However, T. granifera, Na is the metallic element with highest concentration. The element with highest concentration in the muscle and shell of P. japonicus is K, but in other part of P. japonicus Na has the highest concentration. In the trace elements, Fe is the highest concentrated element in Sediment, but Mn is the highest concentration in E. intestinalis. Fe was the highest concentration element in the shell of P. japonicus; Wheres the highest concent element in the viscera and muscle was Cu and Zn.
Date January 2004
CreatorsYi-Houg Chou, 周易宏
ContributorsQun-Jie Lan, 藍群傑
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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