The Reproductive Biology, Seed Germination and Aging in Viburnum odoratissimum Ker / 珊瑚樹生殖生物學、種子發芽與衰化之研究

碩士 / 國立屏東科技大學 / 森林系 / 93 / Viburnum odoratissimun (Caprifoliaceae) is an indigenous tree species to Taiwan. The species mainly distributes in the southern part of Taiwan. Flowers bloom between the late November to the early April. Fruit sets between the late January to the early August. Inflorescence is paniculate-cymose. Petal in corolla is arranged monosymmetry. The surface of bract and flower axis is cover with numerous trichomes. Initiation order of floral primordia is centripetal or acropetal. The development of anther wall layers belongs to dicotyledonous type and anther wall showed fibrous when the pollen matured. Meanwhile the tapetum is secretory type. Microspore mother cell undertakes meiosis with cytokinesis simultaneously to produce tetrahedral tetrads enclosed with callose wall. The mature pollen grains are tricoporate with irregular reticulate sculptures on the surface. The style with transmitting tissue is solid type.
Ovary has three cells, only one cell is able to develop to embryo sac. The ovule is anatropous. Nucellus is tenuinucellate type. Megaspore mother cell
produce tetra arranged linearly. It belongs to the monosporic type. Mature embryo sac has one egg cell, two synergids, two polar nuclei and three to several antipode cells. Synergids have filiform apparatus and would disappear after pollination. The mature embryo is belonged to rudimentary type and need after ripening to germinate. Endosperm appears as celluar type with endosperm cavity. The fruit is a drupe fruit. In the process of fruit development the growth pattern of different parts is all single S type. The storage material of starch and reducing sugar is increased with the developmental time. The protein content is reduced gradually with the developmental time. The oil content is reduced gradually at the early stage of development, however, increased at the middle and last stage. Spoon-shaped seed has a fillister in the middle part and contains abundant endosperm inside.
The seeds of Viburnum odoratissimun are stratified and stored in the temperature of 4, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 20/25 ℃ condition separately. Germination rate increased with the increase of stratified storage time and the germination time decreased. The effects of stratified storage in 25 and 20/25 ℃ are worse than the others. Among these treatments seeds stratified in 10, 15 and 20 ℃ for 6 weeks have been germinated during stratification. Germination test of seeds undergo a constant and alternative temperature in dark condition showed that in 10, 15 and 20 ℃ all have higher germination rate and need shorter germination time. When seeds treated with 4 different immersing time the germination rate and germination time are not significantly different in the treatments. Additionally, the results of seeds tested by aging experiment showed that seeds stored in different humidity at 4 ℃ for 75 days, the germination rate is maintained in the range of 51.30-52.54%. When seeds stored in 55% humidity at 42 ℃ and room temperature for 20 and 60 days the germination rate decreased to 0%. Especially when stored in different humidity at 42 ℃ for 45 days the germination capacity all lost. Water content in seeds decreased with the increase of different storage temperature and duration. The variation of mean germination time and the value of electronic conductive in different treatments increased with the increase of storage duration.
Date January 2005
CreatorsMeng-Lan Chang, 張夢蘭
ContributorsKun-Piao Chang, 張焜標
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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