The Heat Transfer Performance of Diamond Pin-Fin with Coanda Effect and Elliptical Pin-Fin on a Heat Sink / 具有孔達效應的菱形鰭片和橢圓形鰭片在散熱器上的熱傳性能研究

碩士 / 國立高雄應用科技大學 / 模具工程系碩士班 / 95 / A multiple-intersecting flow network has better performance in heat transfer. It can make the flow to mix ahead of time such as human vascular system, internal coolant passage of turbine blade inside gas turbine and cooling system of electrical equipments. According to previous investigation of different heat sink research. The cross-section form of diamond sink has better performance when the fluid flow from side. This investigation in experiment visualize the thermal distribution of fin of diamond and ellipse by infrared thermo-vision system. Because of Coanda effect, the pin of diamond have swing phenomenon at the streamdown. Making the heat field and flow field to compare they relation with pin of ellipse. Using various velocity of inlet and temperature of heat source to compare and get results. The distributed performance of pin of diamond is better than pin of ellipse.
Date January 2007
CreatorsJyun-Jie Hsieh, 謝俊傑
ContributorsHerchang Ay, 艾和昌
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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