The Scour and Sedimentation in the U-turnHorizontal Section of the Fishway of the Check Dam / 防砂壩魚道水平迴頭彎段之沖刷及淤積試驗

碩士 / 中興大學 / 水土保持學系所 / 95 / It is recognized that sedimentation is a main factor influencing a fish way whether it is freely flowing. In this study, two experiments, scour experiment and sedimentation experiment, are utilized on the U-turn horizontal section of fishway to examine causes which lead to sedimentation situation. Through scour experiment,the silt clearance capacity of clear-water discharge revealed on U-turn horizontal section of fish way is explored. On the other hand, while proceeding sedimentation experiment some elements are conducted such as changing slop, discharge, sand added particle and setting T-bone structure, etc. Adding sand following by a period time, we inspect how sand particle affects sedimentation furthering to see whether fish way is blocked accordingly.
By analyzing experiment data, it is to know as long as the sand is smaller (19.05mm mixed particle under), the sedimentation could be divided into three types. Under different discharges and slops, all those three types of sedimentation could achieve a balance of sand added and collected. That means although there is sedimentation however the fish way is not unlikely to be blocked. On the contrary, while there is bigger sand(50.80mm mixed particle under) the fish way is blocked owing to upstream sedimentation or sediment deposit in U-turn horizontal section. Once there is sedimentation occurred at the U-T-turn horizontal section of fish way, it is difficult to clean away by clear-water discharge. For the reason, setting T-bone structure along with regular management and maintenance could decrease sedimentation. These findings are expected as reference in fish way design of engineering practice.
Date January 2007
CreatorsMing-Fong Tsai, 蔡銘峰
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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