The image of the environment at the estuary of the Love River:A Case study of the students in Yen Cheng Junior High School,Kaohsiung / 愛河河口環境意象---以高雄市鹽埕國中學生為例

碩士 / 國立高雄師範大學 / 地理學系 / 95 / J.K.Wright, American cultural geographer, believed that the scope of geography should not simply be limited within the range of objectively existential environments, but should include the geographic knowledge existing in people from all walks of life.
Such concepts of Wright, associated with the human environment in human geography,and I adopted it to interpret the environmental image of the junior high school’s students towards the Love River.The study design is to let the student take some photos in the study area using Judgemental Sampling.Triangulation method is utilized for the analysis of the photos.The first process is to “let the subject to take a photograph” and let the landscape’s photographs be the statistical content. The second approach is to have an “interview with the subject” that is based on a qualitative interviewing research method. On the aspects of exploration, I adopted the concept of the environmental image pointed out by Kevin Lynch. He pointed out that the image is composed of identity, structure and meaning.
On conclusion, visually, landscape elements, like landmarks and pavements, constitute the image of the Love River. Non-visually, the performance of music, gentle breeze, the stink of the Love River and the historical impressions bring about the image.The areas ranged from Kaohsiung Bridge to Zhong-zheng Bridge are the mainly scope that mold the image and the best location to admire the scenery is the spot in front of the school. Students like to appreciate the Love River at an angle of eastern to northern fifteen to thirty degrees.Groups or people born in the same age experience similar social and cultural progress, and thus they are molded into people with similar sense of place and structure of feeling, acting in the way they see the world and act in what they say and what they behave.The long living experiences make someone generate the sense of belonging and the sense of identification. The surrounding is not only the local image of Kaohsiung, but it is also the place for students to cultivate their profound memories.But post-modernism environment now let them disregard the meaning of the place history gradually.
CreatorsYi-chen Wu, 伍怡真
ContributorsWen-shang Chen, 陳文尚
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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