An Analysis of the Consumers' Perception and Behavior on CAS Certified Fisheries Products - An Example of Households in the Greater Taipei Region / 消費者對CAS認證漁產品認知與消費行為之研究—以大台北地區家庭為例

碩士 / 國立臺灣海洋大學 / 應用經濟研究所 / 95 / Starting from 2004, the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, integrated various logos and labels used in the past to promote premium agricultural produce into a common logo of Certified Agricultural Standards (CAS) that is more convenient for consumers to recognize. Since 2005, this integration has been expanded to include the fishery products. This study aims at ascertaining how well consumers recognize the CAS for fishery products and to what extent they are familiar with the certification, and investigating consumers’ behavior such as their willingness to purchase and the price they are willing to pay for CAS fishery products.
Due to budget constraint, this study limits its survey of consumers to telephone interviews of families in the greater Taipei area. A total of 316 effective samples of households were collected. The results of the survey are as follows: the highest food-purchasing frequency is once a week; the average weekly household expenditure is mostly less than NT $1,000; most families consume fishery products every day; the most frequently purchased types are either iced or frozen fishery products; consumers buy fishery products mostly at traditional markets, followed by supermarkets and wholesale stores; the primary consideration of consumers is “freshness” when purchasing fishery products; most consumers are correct in their knowledge concerning fishery products; 77.8% of consumers have heard about news or reports of safety problems concerning fishery products in recent years; 57% of consumers consider the safety issue on fishery products serious; TV is the main source for most consumers to obtain the safety information about fishery products; less than 50% of consumers have noticed the logo of safety certification when purchasing fishery products; the percentage of consumers who have heard about the CAS is as high as 92.3%, but most consumers thought it only applied to meat products; among the reasons for consumers to buy products with CAS certification, “safety” has the highest percentage; most consumers do not know which government office is in charge of authorizing the CAS logo; most consumers are willing to spend extra money to purchase fishery products with CAS.
In this study, we use contingent valuation method to investigate consumers’ willingness to pay for CAS. The questionnaire designed for this study is the double-bounded dichotomous choice method. The survival model is then applied to estimate consumers’ willingness to pay. Our results indicate that variables significantly affecting consumers’ willingness to pay for CAS of frozen tilapia fillets and milkfish balls include the weekly expense on fishery products, locations of purchase, types of fishery products purchased, knowledge about fishery products, knowledge about safety issue on fishery products, gender, age, education and income. Based on our empirical results, we find that if the price of frozen tilapia fillet with CAS is set at the mean price of NT$ 240 per (Taiwanese) catty, 46.3% of consumers would be willing to buy; if it is set at the medium price of NT$ 234 per catty, 50% of consumers would be willing to buy. If the price of frozen milkfish balls with CAS is set at the mean price of NT$ 92 per half catty, 48.6% of consumers would be willing to buy; while if it is set at the medium price of NT$ 90 per half catty, 50% of consumers would be willing to buy.
Since the CAS was expanded to include fishery products in 2005, as of October 2006, a total of 27 suppliers and 120 product items had been approved for CAS. The approved quantity is 23,281 tons with a value of NT$ 1,928.49 million, accounting for 3.37% of the total quantity and 4.58% of the total value of all fishery products. The results of the survey conducted for this study show that most consumers still have the impression that CAS only applied to meat products and most do not know which government office is charge of CAS. However, most consumers were willing to spend additional money to purchase the fishery products with CAS. The CAS logo is simple and easy to recognize for consumers. For these reasons, we recommend that the government should continue to promote and publicize this certification of fishery products.
Date January 2007
CreatorsShu-Lien Lin, 林素連
ContributorsFu-Sung Chiang, 江福松
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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