Expression of Apo-D, BDNF, and P11 in the Hippocampus of Mice Displaying Learned Helplessness / Apo-D、BDNF、P11在習得無助小鼠腦內海馬迴區域的表現

碩士 / 國立陽明大學 / 解剖暨細胞生物學研究所 / 95 / According to the references, people may have 20% chances suffering from depression in a lifetime. Decreasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the brain, especially the hippocampus, was supposed to relating with depression pathology. Recent studies supposed that Apolipoprotein-D (Apo-D) and S100A10 may also related to depression. However, the clear relationship among these three genes with depression is still unknown.

Learned helplessness is widely accepted as a depression animal model as its behavioral similarity to depression patient. We underwent repeat foot-shock training to 7 week- and 11 week-old male C57BL/6 mice with 0.4 mA electricity strength. Mice were randomly divided into control and other four experimental groups including foot-shocked for 1, 2, 3 days and restraint for 3 days. Escape test was used to exam the leaned helplessness behavior and it was defined as failure escape for more than half of the total test numbers in this study. The expression of Apo-D, BDNF, S100A10 and housekeeping gene including β-actin, Cyclophilin A, GAPDH mRNA in hippocampus was quantified with real-time PCR.

Among the former groups, mice receiving three-day foot-shock training exhibit the highest percentage to become learned helplessness and the longest escape latency in escape test. Evenly, there was significant difference between it and control group of eleven-week-old mice (p=0.013).
The expression levels of Apo-D, BDNF, S100A10 were normalized by three housekeeping genes then compared between treatment and control groups. There was no significant differences between learned helpless and control mice. These mice were divided with age, and the expression of S100A10 mRNA was decreased significantly than control groups (p=0.000).

In conclusion, the expression of S100A10 mRNA in the hippocampus of mice tends to decrease under the learned helpless state in our studies. Apo-D and BDNF RNA do not exhibit this different expression level among the treatment and control groups oppositely.
At last, the study will progress toward several aspects including increasing case number according to the condition in this study to confirm the trend found as far, and stronger foot-shock training will be input to observe the distinct trend better.
Date January 2007
CreatorsHsiao-Tz Wang, 王孝慈
ContributorsYn-Ho Huang, Chen-Jee Hong, 黃銀河, 洪成志
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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