Factors Associated with Elementary School of Chiayi County Teachers'' Life Style, Motives and Constraints in Overseas Travel Intention / 生活型態、旅遊動機與阻礙因素對嘉義縣國小教師參與海外旅遊意願影響之研究

碩士 / 南華大學 / 旅遊事業管理學系碩士班 / 96 / Due to the elementary school teachers have steady incomes, have two-day-off weekends and have winter and summer vacations, so with the greater concerns on leisure life, the elementary school teachers utilizes vacation, especially during winter and summer vacations. The tourist activity is a very general phenomenon to arrange, as to tourist industry, it is an important guest in tourism market . This research aims to understand the factors of present situation, life style , travel motivations and leisure constraints on the overseas travel intension for the elementary school teachers, and the factors of influence on the overseas travel intension are proposed relevantly for offering tourist industry.
  According to the literature and the half structural formula interview, at first, this research collected the factors of travel motivations and leisure constraints on the overseas travel intension for the elementary school teachers, and design into a questionnaire in view of the above. This research implemented questionnaire survey to the elementary school teachers during August of 2007, counted and retrieved 404 usable samples via the questionnaire survey. The result of study shows the elementary school teacher who has overseas travel intention is up to 81.9% in the following one year. The life styles of teachers were labeled as “ family life orientation ”, “ social activity orientation ”, “health enhancement orientation ”, and “ pursue prevailing orientation ” in order ; the motivation factors of overseas travel intention were delineated and named as “ smooth over the pressure and relax’’, “ learning and experiencing ”, “social expanding ”, and “health enhancement”; and the leisure constraints factors are mainly from the “ environment constraint ”, “ support constraint ”, “ economy constraint”, “ psychology constraint”. The results from the Binary Logit Model pointed out that the considerable influence factors of overseas travel intension for the elementary school teachers including under the age of 30, social activity orientation, smooth over the pressure and relax and economy constraint. In addition,the predictive performance for the model was 82.7 %.

Date January 2008
CreatorsMei-li Yen, 顏美麗
ContributorsChung-ling Chen, Chih-wen Ting, 陳璋玲, 丁誌魰
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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