The name brand high-quality goods poster - take [ Apex Lin ] the Taiwan high-quality goods promotion as an example / 名牌精品海報-以【林磐聳ApexLin】台灣精品推廣為例

碩士 / 國立高雄師範大學 / 視覺傳達設計研究所 / 96 / In view of whole world "personal name namely brand name" the high-quality goods case makes the material the collection and the analysis, discusses is short of the international brand Taiwan whether also may seek "the personal name namely brand name" the identical camp pattern, creates to be worth the people directing to think the arrogant international brand? This is this creation research basic motive and the goal.

In the creation research technique flow, divides five steps to carry on, respectively be:

(1) The domestic and foreign brands case explained.
(2) The creation related literature discussion.
(3) The series of the simulate creation’s material to make the depth collection analysis. The literary arts, the general merchandise and common enterprise high level public figure's market investigation.
(4) Creates and the elaboration.
(5) The conclusion and the suggestion and so on five steps.

The first stage aims at internationally take enterprise, produces the commodity name, the designer personal name gives showing as the brand name successful case, draws up after the appraisal take designs the famous expert as this creation brand; The second social stratum then passes through the entire related designer material the collection after to seek information, designated most has the international well-known ness, in 2007 most newly draws a charge 11th session of national literary arts prize new owner Apex-Lin (林磐聳) the designer for this brand creation personal name, following "my Taiwan My Homeland - will see the mind by the forest designer 96 years publication the hometown" the islands image series work to take in this high-quality goods poster creation the design source material. The third stage in view of the literary arts, the general merchandise & common enterprise high level public figure makes the market investigation by the anonymous way, after the statistics and the analysis, designated most suits with most has the brand development success ratio seven item of commodities category, makes the brand high-quality goods poster the creation. The fourth stage summarizes the brand gradual international marketing strategy, simultaneously on the poster creation style, the design idea, the idea and so on gives the thorough explanation and the creation publication and so on.

Finally, this creation plan induces two conclusions, and the graphical representation leaves: The personal name namely brand name creation plan suggestion flow, for following creates the direction to the interest regarding of this after study, and the reference material.
CreatorsPan, Ming-ko, 潘明科
ContributorsYao, Tsun-hsiung, 姚村雄
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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