Dynamic Stability Improvement of a Hybrid Large-Scale Offshore Wind Farm and Marine-Current Farm Using a STATCOM / 利用靜態同步補償器於混合大型離岸式風場與海流場之動態穩定度改善研究

碩士 / 國立成功大學 / 電機工程學系碩博士班 / 97 / This thesis analyzes and compares the stability improvement of an integrated hybrid large-scale offshore wind farm and marine-current farm with and without the static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) connected to the common AC bus that is fed to the onshore power grid through a transmission line. Under three-phase balanced loading conditions, the q-d axis equivalent-circuit model is developed to establish
the system models, and a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) damping controller of the STATCOM is designed using pole-assignment approach based on modal control theory. For demonstrating the performance of the proposed STATCOM joined with the designed damping controller, frequency- domain approach based on eigenvalue analysis as well as time-domain simulations under disturbance conditions are both performed. It can be concluded from the simulation results that the proposed STATCOM combined with the designed PID damping controller is capable of improving the
performance of the studied integrated hybrid system under variable wind speeds, variable marine-current speeds, and other disturbance conditions.

Date January 2009
CreatorsChia-Tien Hsiung, 熊家田
ContributorsLi Wang, 王醴
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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