The in-situ data analysis for infragravity edge wave and its application in tsunami and typhoon waves / 亞重力邊緣波之現場資料分析及其在海嘯和颱風波浪之應用

碩士 / 國立中山大學 / 海下科技暨應用海洋物理研究所 / 97 / The edge wave is a kind of infragravity wave. It’s forcing and evolu- ion are different from common progressive waves. It may damage the co- astal area when a wave incident to the shore with an angle is reflected and reflected back by topography. In this thesis,by AWCP deployed near Kao- hsiung and Hualien harbor,the flow and surface elevation of the tsunami generated in PingTung earthquake and typhoon waves are analyzed.By assuming uni-directional progressive waves and HHT, the theoretical solution is used to check if the edge wave exists.
The primary results suggest that Stokes edge wave is a significant component of the tsunami in Kaohsiung area and it might be generated when the tsunami arrived the DongGung or SGC.The infragravity wave generated by typhoon waves in typhoon Kaemi, Bopha and Hugupit are also edge waves by the relation between pressure and flow.That means edge waves be generated by typhoon waves outside the Hualien harbor will transport low frequence energy to the the harbor basin and cause the resonance of Hualien harbor.
Date January 2009
CreatorsHsiao-ching Chien, 簡孝清
ContributorsGuan-Yu Chen, 陳冠宇
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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