Research on the Learning Effect of Combining the Issue of energy sustainability with Science and Technology Domain.Take the Unit of “Energy and Transportation Tool” for Example / 能源永續教育融入自然與生活科技學習成效之研究~以國小四年級能源與運輸工具為例

碩士 / 國立臺北教育大學 / 自然科學教育學系碩士班 / 97 / Abstract
The purpose of this research is to discuss the influence of the inplement of teaching the unit of “Energy and Transportation tool” combining the issue of energy sustainability with Science and Technology Domain on the students’ cognition of energy and transportation tool, the students’ attitude toward the energy sustainability, and the students’ capacity of the identification of energy sustainability. In addition , this research is to understand the students’ thoughts and feedbacks (from students) after implementing the combined curriculum.
This research adopts Quasi-experiment manner and mainly uses quantitative statistic analysis. The research subjects are four 4thgrade classes in an elementary school at Wugu in Taipei County, within which two are the experimental group taking the teaching approach of combining the issue of energy sustainability with Science and Technology Domain while the others are the control group taking the general science course.
The research tools were teacher-made ” The Identification of Energy Sustainability Test “ and “The Attitude toward the Energy Sustainability Scale” and “The Concept of Energy and Transportation Tool Test” and “The Feedback Questionnaires of Students ”.
The reliabilities of the above research instruments were .875, .890, .840, .933 respectively. The validation had been accomplished by the professor of the university of education and three experienced elementary science teachers.
These two groups need taking one week pre-tests and post-tests of “The Attitude toward the Energy Sustainability Scale,” and “The Attitude toward the Energy Sustainability Scale,” and “The Cognition of Energy and Transportation Tool Test,”
The methods of data analysis include T test and covariance (ANCOVA).
The followings are the main results of this research:
1. The score of “The Identification of Energy Sustainability Test ” from experimental group is much more excellent than the control group (t=4.525,p<.001), which reveals that the curriculum combining teaching with the issue of Energy Sustainability can efficiently improve the students’ capacity of the identification of energy sustainability.
2. The score of “The Attitude toward the Energy Sustainability Scale” from experimental group is much more excellent than the control group (F=32.388,p﹤.001), which reveals that the curriculum combining teaching with the issue of Energy Sustainability can efficiently improve the students’ attitude toward the energy sustainability.
3. The score of “The Cognition of Energy and Transportation Tool Test” from experimental group is not much better than the control group (t= 1.194,p>.05). But both groups of post-tests are much more higher than those of pre-tests, which reveals that the curriculum combining teaching with the issue of energy sustainability and the general science course can efficiently improve the students’ learning achievement on the cognition of energy and transportation tool.
4. After taking the teaching approach combining with the issue of Energy Sustainability, the experimental group is positively recognized in the aspects of the learning attitude of the curriculum, the learning motivation, and the learning strategy.
Date January 2009
CreatorsSHIF FU CHEN, 陳世富
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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