Estimation of Natural-Convection Heat Transfer Characteristics from Rectangular Fin Arrays in a Rectangular Enclosure / 矩形鰭片陣列於矩形外殼內之熱傳特性預測

碩士 / 國立成功大學 / 機械工程學系碩博士班 / 98 / The present study applies an inverse method involving the finite difference method in conjunction with the least-squares scheme and experimental temperature measurements to estimate the unknown natural-convection heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer coefficient under the isothermal condition, heat transfer rate and fin efficiency on a rectangular fin mounted on vertical or horizontal plate in closed or open rectangular enclosures. To obtain the present estimates, the whole plate fin is divided into several analytic sub-fin regions before performing the inverse calculation. The heat transfer coefficient on each analytical sub-fin region is assumed as a constant. Later, the present estimates can be obtained using the present inverse scheme. The results show that the average heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing the fin spacing and decreases with increasing the fin height. The fin efficiency decreases with increasing the fin spacing. In the open rectangular enclosure, the chimney effect enhance the natural convection. Thus, the heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate are higher than those obtained from the closed rectangular enclosure. In order to evidence the accuracy of the present inverse scheme, the present estimates of the average heat transfer coefficient under the isothermal condition compared with those obtained from the correlation recommended by current textbook and other previous results.
Date January 2010
CreatorsGe-JhangHe, 何格彰
ContributorsHan-Taw Chen, 陳寒濤
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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