Growth of Epinephelus coioides in recirculating system and under salinity fluctuation / 點帶石斑魚在循環水系統及鹽度變動下之成長

碩士 / 國立臺灣海洋大學 / 水產養殖學系 / 98 / This study is to deal with the survival, growth, fullness, and food conversion ratio of grouper Epinelus coicoides reared in a recirculation and under salinity fluctuation.
Grouper with initial weight and length of 33.01±1.22 g and 12.9±0.12 cm reared in a recirculation system grew to 127.17±7.6 g and 20.08±0.41 cm, respectively. Growth of grouper increased directly with elapsed time. Daily feeding amount and size variation of grouper increased directly with elapsed time. Relationship between weight (W) and length (L) was established in an equation of W=aLb. with b between 2.6~3.5. The fullness and FCR of grouper was 1.52~1.61 and 0.83, respectively.
Grouper that reared in salinity 35‰ were transferred to 20‰ and 6‰ for one-hour treatment and then shifted back to salinity 35‰ with three treatment plans (each with 24, 48 and 96 h). Grouper that reared in salinity 35‰ then transferred to 35‰ for one-hour treatment each every 24 h were served as control. This process repeated continuously for 87 days. Result indicated that all grouper survived. The fullness, FCR and percentage weight gain was 1.45~1.54, 0.81~0.87, and 211~285%, respectively. The percentage weight gain of grouper which had been reared at 35%, transferred to salinity 20 and 6% after one hour, and then transferred back to 35‰ was much lower than that of control grouper. The size variation of grouper which had been reared at 35‰, transferred to 6‰ for one hour, and then transferred back to 35 ‰ with continuous this process for 48 times was smaller (27.92%). However, the size variation of grouper which had been reared at 35‰, transferred to 20‰ for one hour, and then transferred back to 35‰ was higher (129.01%). This study demonstrated the growth of grouper in a recirculation system, and growth variation of grouper under repeated and continuous low salinity and high salinity stresses.
Date January 2010
ContributorsJiann-Chu Chen, 陳建初
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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