Plate Regulation Strategy for Demand Responsive Transit Services / 需求反應式運輸服務牌照管理之研究

碩士 / 國立臺灣大學 / 土木工程學研究所 / 98 / Abstract
Taiwan is now experiencing excessive use of private vehicles, resulting in the disruption of public transport developments. This is more evident in the rural and remote areas where residents finding using private vehicles are more convenient than the public transportation system as the density of travel demand and trip generation in remote and rural areas are low. The conventional, scheduled services of intercity and regular city bus services in the rural areas are usually problematic and dysfunctional due to the fact that the market demands are usually insufficient in the rural areas. With the increase of operational costs, bus companies are experiencing difficulties in its operations in maintaining its service standards.
Demand Responsive Transit Service, DRTS is a public transport system which is not the traditional fixed-route, fixed-schedule public transport model. Instead, it is a service-driven public transport system that responds to passenger demands. It is a user-oriented transportation service system characterized by flexible routing and scheduling of using small/medium vehicles to operate in a shared-ride mode between pick-up and drop-off locations in accordance to passengers’ needs. Demand Responsive Transport Service can fill the geographical and service gaps created by the traditional public transport system. The essential role for DRTS is to create seamless and sustainable public transport services in the rural regions while maintaining high level of passenger service standards in response to passenger driven demands. Thus, DRTS enables passengers in the rural region to pre-book the services from the transportation providers to ensure the services are delivered in a cost effective manner while the service standards are maintained. In comparison to the traditional public transport system, DTRS allows passengers to have flexibilities in choosing the services in accordance to their demands, thus the transportation providers are able to respond to these demands to increase the level of passenger service efficiencies. Therefore, DTRS offers higher passenger service standards than the traditional public transport system and due to this demand driven characteristic, the increase of usage in DTRS will gradually reduce the operational costs for the transportation providers and ultimately reduce their reliance on government’s subsidies. As a result, DTRS offers an efficient and convenient system allowing the transportation providers meeting the demands of the passengers to increase the usage of the public transportation system while maintaining low operational costs. Thus, by developing DRTS, the government is able to achieve a sustainable public transportation system in the rural regions in a long term perspective.
In recent year, the rise of rehab bus and free medical transport bus, are based on the characteristics of DRTS. It can be seen, although there are demands on the market, but relevant legislations have not been established to assist the proper development of DRTS. If the Government does not regulate DRTS, it will affect the existing transportation market. Therefore, this study discusses the applicability and legality, in developing the appropriate DRTS regulatory strategies.
This study is an in-depth review of the current transport environment in the market as well as the current laws and regulations related to public transportation law. In order to comply with the assessment criteria, this essay evaluate and review the current transportation market based on the results of a seminar, and the outlined eleven project evaluation criterions of three dimensions - government, industries and the society. This study also examines the criterion that causes and effects the correlations, and rejects the secondary criterions by using “Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory”. The analysis results reveal that the Determine of the operating carrier for Demand Responsive Transit Service’s key problems are the feasibility of legality, the existing hardware and software technology of the carriers, the resistance of the existing industry, and the range of service groups of the carrier.
This study draws up “intercity bus/city bus carrier”, “taxi carrier” and “Sedan rental carrier,” in promoting DRTS to use the three plate management projects. In addition, this study uses the “Analytic Network Process” and “VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje” to evaluate projects and the result reveals that “intercity bus/city bus carrier” is the best project. Finally, this study examines the current regulations related to the intercity bus and city bus, to define and propose the relevant DRTS regulations, subsidies and supervision mechanism for the future development of DRTS.
CreatorsChih-Yi Chung, 鍾志宜
ContributorsS.K. Jason Chang, 張學孔
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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