A New Species of Platorchestia (Amphipoda: Talitridae) from Taiwan with Special Reference to Its micro-habitat Preference and Population Dynamics in Guan-du Area / 台灣產扁跳蝦屬(端足目:跳蝦科)之新種發表及其關渡地區族群微棲地偏好與族群動群研究

碩士 / 國立臺灣大學 / 生態學與演化生物學研究所 / 98 / The present study, identified a new Platorchestia sp. from Guan-du, Taiwan, based on morphological (light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy) and molecular approaches (sequence divergence in the mitochondria DNA, COI). I further studied its population dynamics for 13 months (10 sampling periods). Platorchestia sp. nov. from the Guan-du was morphologically different from all reported Platorchestia spp. in the literature, but it was very close to P. japonica. The distribution pattern of spines in the telson, however, exhibited diagnostic differences between the two species. From the sequence divergence in COI, Platorchestia sp. nov. differed from P. japonica 13.3% on average. The values were comparable to inter-specific differences in other amphipod taxa. Population structure of Platorchestia sp. nov. in Guan-du was mainly composed of 4 cohorts, and recruitment occured almost every month through the whole year. Growth rate of juvenile was rapid, obtaining sexual maturity in about 3 months with a longevity 8-9 months. Gravid females were recorded through the whole year, and suggested the species was reproductively active through the year, not seasonally. I examined the effects of water temperature, pH, soil moisture, water level of the substratum, and vegetative type on the distribution pattern of Platorchestia sp. nov. A multivariate analysis indicated that only water level and vegetative type were significant in affecting their abundance. I suggest that to further the understanding of the species future studies should focus on long term population studies to ascertain temporal variations in their life history in Taiwan. Comprehensive survey of the talitrid amphipod species and their distributions in coastal or estuarine marshes in Taiwan would also be fruitful.

Date January 2010
CreatorsYu-Ting Cheng, 鄭宇庭
ContributorsYu-Teh K. Lin, 林雨德
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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