From Detachment to Connection: The Relationship of My Family after the Separation of 1949—A Self-Narrative Study / 從冷漠到關懷: 分離台海兩岸家人關係之自我敘說

碩士 / 國立臺灣師範大學 / 教育心理與輔導學系 / 99 / The aim of the following research is to explore the once strained relationship the author had with her father and brother in the context of the proliferating societal contacts between China and Taiwan starting in 1987. The author’s biological father left his native Fujian Province at an early age bound for Taiwan in search of opportunity, eventually marrying and starting a family despite being bound by a previously arranged marriage. In July 1949, with the Chinese civil war raging between Nationalist and Communist forces, he left for Fujian with his son, leaving a wife and two daughters behind in Taiwan—not only ending the bonds of husband and wife, but also stunting maternal and sibling bonds of the family for 38 years. After 40 long years of separation, the family finally stood together again; unfortunately the author’s father had already passed away.

The author utilizes a self-narrative approach, using various sources and data to contextualize the social and historical background of her parents’ time, while highlighting the differing life narratives brought by the division of the mainland and Taiwan. Using the researcher’s own memories along with interviews, a detailed account of married life in the 1940s, the predicament of single parent families and their children in the 1950s, as well as the bonds that held these families together.

The author interprets the separation of Taiwan and China and that of her own family caused by the cruelty of civil war as part of the tragedy of contemporary history and for all Chinese. She views her father’s decision in a new light: being tied to the harsh conditions of the times, his own responsibility toward family as the eldest son, struggles against the communist system for the survival of family. Moreover, as a man of courage, responsibility and self-sacrifice, he also mourned the wife and daughter he was forced to leave behind in Taiwan. The author has actively aimed to change her attitudes of self-protection and avoidance toward her mainland Chinese family members, and to foster new relations based upon acceptance and caring.

Through this narrative, the author has cleansed her spirit, resolved the emotional knots and scars built up over time and created a cross-Strait family relation of warmth and geniality. In the process, she has discovered and learned more about herself and is moving toward limitless possibilities, feeling free and at ease.
Date January 2011
CreatorsMei-Chu Feng, 方美珠
ContributorsPei-Yi Li, 李佩怡
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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