Phylogenetic relationships between genera in the Halosphaeriaceae with unfurling ascospore appendage / 海洋子囊真菌海殼菌科中子囊孢子兩側頂端遇水展開之附屬器之屬間親源關係研究

碩士 / 國立臺灣海洋大學 / 海洋生物研究所 / 99 / Aniptodera was described from mangrove habitat with A. chesapeakensis as the type species. Aniptodera is characterized by hyaline to light-coloured ascomata, persistent asci with an apical apparatus and retraction of the plasmalemma and thick-walled ascospores without appendages. Later, an A. chesapeakensis isolate with unfurling ascospore appendages was discovered and treated congeneric. Unfurling ascospore appendage is the distinctive characteristic of Halosarpheia, another genus in the Halosphaeriaceae. With more and more species with similar morphological characteristics being discovered, the generic delineation between Aniptodera and Halosarpheia has become blurred. Moreover, urfurling ascospore appendages can also be found in Ascosacculus, Cucullosporella, Gesasha, Magnisphaera, Moana, Nais, Natantispora, Oceanitis, Ophiodeira, Panorbis, Phaeonectriella, Saagaromyces, Tirispora, Trichomaris and Tunicatispora.
In this study, partial small (SSU) and large subunit (LSU) ribosomal RNA genes of Aniptodera chesapeakensis, A. lignatilis, A. longispora, Halosarpheia kandeliae and Ceriosporopsis hamata were sequenced to determine: (1) if Aniptodera is a monophyletic genus, (2) if appendaged and unappendaged type of ascospores can be included in Aniptodera, (3) if unfurling ascospore appendeage is important to delineate genera in Halosphaeriaceae, and (4) if there are other morphological characters for the delineation of genera in the Halosphaeriaceae.
Base on a combined 18S and 28S rDNA maximum parsimony sequence analysis, Aniptodera is not a monophyletic genus. Aniptodera sensu stricto includes both appendaged and non-appendaged Aniptodera species, including A. lignatilis, Aniptodera sp. NTOU3668 and A. chesapeakensis NTOU3700. Aniptodera longispora did not group with A. chesapeakensis, the type species of the genus. Polar unfurling ascospore appendage is inferred to be not important for the delineation of genera in the Halosphaeriaceae. It is possibly the result of convergent evolution and parallel evolution and might have evolved or lost several times during evolution. Ascomatal morphology should be carefully examined and these might provide extra characters for the delineation of taxa in the Halosphaeriaceae, especially those with unfurling ascospore appendages.
Date January 2011
CreatorsCheng-Lun Lu, 呂政倫
ContributorsKa-Lai Pang, 彭家禮
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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