Simulation of Propagation and Run-up of Landslide-induced Waves Using Meshless Method / 以無網格方法模擬海底崩移所造成之波浪傳遞與溯升

碩士 / 國立成功大學 / 水利及海洋工程學系碩博士班 / 100 / A two-dimensional numerical model using radial basis functions (RBFs) and collocation points for resolving the Laplace equation is presented in this study. This method is a general meshless method called RBF collocation method. The basic concept of RBF collocation method is to approximate the solution of a PDE as a linear combination of RBFs. The main framework of the present model is developed by Wu and Chang (2011), and is added with the wave-sending boundary, radiation boundary and ability for simulating the moving boundary problem by this study.
Two simulations are carried out for the model validation. First, regular waves propagating over a submerged breakwater are simulated. The results are compared with the experimental data, and the water particle trajectory is also discussed. The second one is waves generated by submerged landslide and the results are compared with other numerical solutions, such as BIEM and Boussinesq-type model. Fairly good agreements are observed in both of simulations.
Finally, the present model is applied to calculate the subaerial landslide-induced waves. Subaerial landslide on three plane slopes of different angles, which are 6, 15 and 30 degrees, with the same constant water depth at the end of the slopes is studied. Specifically, the landslide-induced wave propagation and shoreline motions are examined. Furthermore, the effects of various sliding horizontal distances along the same slope on induced-wave are also discussed.
Date January 2012
CreatorsTa-YuHuang, 黃大祐
ContributorsShih-Chun Hsiao, 蕭士俊
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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