Apply Geographic Information System to The Tendency Analysis of Somalia Piracy Cases / 地理資訊系統應用於索馬利亞海盜案件水域分析

碩士 / 國立高雄海洋科技大學 / 海事資訊科技研究所 / 100 / Gulf of Aden is the important center of marine strategy, fishery and shipping in the world due to its special geographic location. Thus, in order to ensure the security of sea areas and integrate the maritime rights, the governments have negotiated and held conferences repeatedly to maintain the sea area of Gulf of Aden clean. However, the incidents of pirates’ attack emerge endless in Gulf of Aden and the near sea water, causing the menace and damages to the nations whose shipping and fishery navigating to the areas; yet there is still no efficient way and method to intimidate those pirates. Therefore, in order to discover the links among the location of Piracy incidents, hot-spot locations and high-risk zones, the research is based on the initial analysis and discussion of Piracy in Somalia and uses Geographic Information System (GIS) to analyze the relation between incidents of Piracy in Somalia and the spatial distribution. So that it can help the ships navigating in that sea area to heave the efficiency of avoiding pirates and improving the navigation plans. All in all, the main purpose of this research is to strengthen the anti-pirate devices of the navigating ships.

Key Words: Geographic Information System, Piracy in Somalia,
The Spatial Distribution, Gulf of Aden,Anti-Pirate
Date January 2012
ContributorsChen, Cheng-Wu, 陳震武
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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